Evil exists because good people do nothing. Let's begin with you and me. ARISE and take ACTIONS!
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Saturday, July 30, 2011
Understanding Schizophrenia: Signs, Symptoms, and Causes
Understanding Schizophrenia: Signs, Symptoms, and CausesI am saddened by what I read above.
I could imagine my sojourned when I worked in those days in the psychiatric wards. Some may use the phrase "god forsaken place". Deplorable conditions many years ago. Now, with all things, including medications and facilities, most patients can live a normal life.
For one to die in Kuala Lumpur Hospital is quite unthinkable.
Let us not be too quick to judge.
Let's wait for the authority to give us the report.
I cannot help, but wonder...even high profile case of death like Teoh Beng Hock doesn't seem to get logical, agreeable, reasonable answer, do you think we can get satisfactory answer from a "minor" case like a patient dying, worst when it is a Schizophrenic.
By the way, Schizophrenic is not a human being? Lesser one?
I hope all our hospitals can make sure no such thing especially burning of bed to recur.
May be I should call upon the minister of health to take care of this.
I could imagine my sojourned when I worked in those days in the psychiatric wards. Some may use the phrase "god forsaken place". Deplorable conditions many years ago. Now, with all things, including medications and facilities, most patients can live a normal life.
For one to die in Kuala Lumpur Hospital is quite unthinkable.
Let us not be too quick to judge.
Let's wait for the authority to give us the report.
I cannot help, but wonder...even high profile case of death like Teoh Beng Hock doesn't seem to get logical, agreeable, reasonable answer, do you think we can get satisfactory answer from a "minor" case like a patient dying, worst when it is a Schizophrenic.
By the way, Schizophrenic is not a human being? Lesser one?
I hope all our hospitals can make sure no such thing especially burning of bed to recur.
May be I should call upon the minister of health to take care of this.
Woman leaves baby with couple
Woman leaves baby with couple
There must be many babies born in Malaysia who yet to find home. Why? I think, most of the time if the press does not high light the new, we will not know it. The problem with some mothers who are not ready to raise the babies themselves may not know how to go about locating the right people to have their babies adopted.
I am looking for a baby girl to adopt irrespective of race as long as she is a descendant of Adam, ha ha....
Serious, if you come across a baby need parental love do contact me.TQ!
Wong Fort Pin
012 269 1176
There must be many babies born in Malaysia who yet to find home. Why? I think, most of the time if the press does not high light the new, we will not know it. The problem with some mothers who are not ready to raise the babies themselves may not know how to go about locating the right people to have their babies adopted.
I am looking for a baby girl to adopt irrespective of race as long as she is a descendant of Adam, ha ha....
Serious, if you come across a baby need parental love do contact me.TQ!
Wong Fort Pin
012 269 1176
Malaysian political cartoonist, Zunar.
Zunar cartoon book had been banned. He lost his appeal against it had been turned down.
Got his assistant number through Google, Oliver gave me Zunar number. I texted him for permission to use his copy righted cartoon. Here you have it...complimentary from Zunar!
Got his assistant number through Google, Oliver gave me Zunar number. I texted him for permission to use his copy righted cartoon. Here you have it...complimentary from Zunar!
Jeyakumar and 5 other PSM leaders freed: Police must apologize
Jeyakumar and 5 other PSM leaders freed: Police must apologize
Najib said,"decision to free them based on goodwill of police"
Ha ha ha ...I can't believe it, absolutely incredible what a statement...too dumb founded to say anything in response to a PM who says such thing.
Najib said,"decision to free them based on goodwill of police"
Ha ha ha ...I can't believe it, absolutely incredible what a statement...too dumb founded to say anything in response to a PM who says such thing.
Berita Harian Online | Lelaki mohon tukar nama Aleesha Farhana meninggal dunia
Berita Harian Online | Lelaki mohon tukar nama Aleesha Farhana meninggal dunia
I am saddened to know that the man who wants his name change to Aleesha Farhana after having undergone surgical sex change.
There are individuals who may be born with ambiguous sexual organs. They go through untold difficulties and struggles in a society like us to live a free life according to their choosing.
How my heart go out to individuals like this and especially the family members of the deceased.
I hope there will come a day Malaysia is mature and free enough to have room for them to live a free lifestyle of their choice. Just to hope is not good enough, let us put legs to our hope. Cheers fo a better Malaysia.
Wong Fort Pin
I am saddened to know that the man who wants his name change to Aleesha Farhana after having undergone surgical sex change.
There are individuals who may be born with ambiguous sexual organs. They go through untold difficulties and struggles in a society like us to live a free life according to their choosing.
How my heart go out to individuals like this and especially the family members of the deceased.
I hope there will come a day Malaysia is mature and free enough to have room for them to live a free lifestyle of their choice. Just to hope is not good enough, let us put legs to our hope. Cheers fo a better Malaysia.
Wong Fort Pin
Friday, July 29, 2011
Would Jesus have marched? by Thomas Fann
Bersih 2.0 – Would Jesus Have Marched?
Dear John,
In your Facebook reference to Bersih 2.0, you said that you are glad the rally is over and you asked the question, "Is
this the Christian approach to do things? What will Jesus do?" I guess the sight of so-called “street battles” in our
capital city between protestors and the police are too distasteful to you and unbecoming behaviour for a follower of
Christ. Furthermore it looks too much like a revolt against a sitting government in which case it would be against the
words of Paul in Romans 13:1 that we must all submit to governing authorities.
In case you were not aware, I was there to support Bersih and what it stands for. Let me try to explain to you why I
In doing voters' registration for the past year and a half, I have come across too many irregularities firsthand - people
who tried to register over and over again but failed for no reason, people who voted before but deregistered, again
for no reason. People in the same house but assigned to different constituencies, people who never registered but
found themselves registered in some Felda scheme they have never heard before. I can go on and on.
What about gerry-mandering and malapportionment of constituencies? BN strongholds, fewer voters per seat;
opposition strongholds, more voters per seat. E.g. Kapar 112K voters PKR; Putrajaya 6K voters BN. Generally, this
has been the pattern nationwide. Boundaries are modified after each election to reflect change in the voting
patterns. Infact, the way it is, even if the majority of people voted for opposition by 55% to 45%, BN will still form
the government. Is this fair?
What about election fraud? The abuse of postal votes where police and military personnel have to vote under
duress of being witnessed by their superiors and their votes are used to shore up key BN losing candidates. The
buying of votes is now part of the BN election strategic now, doesn’t mind that it is a clear violation of election rules.
Remember the famous "You help me, I help you" offer by the PM, not once but over and over again? He promised
and delivered that if you vote for his candidate today, he will personally sign the cheque for millions of ringgit
tomorrow, if not, don’t bother to come and collect. Is this right just because the PM does it? It is a known fact that
huge amount of money were used to buy votes at by-elections these past few years. Power outages during crucial
counting of ballots so that bags of ballots could be swapped are regular occurrences.
The fact that 4.3 million eligible M'sians are not registered as voters (about 1/3 of total eligible voters) when they
could be registered at a click of a mouse like in S'pore where every citizens automatically becomes registered on
their 21st birthday, is yet another concern. Yet, M'sians have to find out themselves how to register, find a place to
register, fill up a for in duplicate, submit it and crossing their fingers hoping that SPR would not reject them. They
won’t even be notify if they are registered or not, they have to go online to check on their own. Why should it be so
in this day and age of technological advancement? The problem is not the lack of technology or funds but the lack of
political will to want to register these unregistered voters. Could it be that these 4.3 million are mainly young voters
who are more open to change and are better informed than their parents?
There are many, many more issues as demanded by Bersih 2.0 but I won't go on.
For me, it is an issue of justice. There is a perversion of justice here. And believe me, the people who made up the
Bersih 2.0 committee are not thugs or unlearned people. They have tried for years to get the authorities to reform
our electoral system but to no avail. Taking to the streets for a peaceful demo is our constitutional right and that
only after all other avenues have been exhausted.
I was there. I saw with my own eyes how the PDRM assaulted ordinary men and women without provocation or
warning. The protestors were outstanding in their discipline – 50,000 over people and not a single property damage
reported, no littering because we picked up our own rubbish and put them in the trash can. There were no street
battles or unruly protestors provoking the police as portrayed by the government and the mainstream media.
Despite the continuous assault by the police with tear gas and water cannons, the people did not fight back. There
was no anger on the faces of the protestors, no fear, no despondency, just a quiet determination to be heard and for
our rights to be upheld. I salute these pakciks, makciks, aunties and uncles, the young generation who came out
despite the intimidation and unprecedented attempt by the authority to lock down an entire city. I am very proud to
counted amongst them.

As we marched together, one elderly Malay gentleman turned to me, looking into my Chinese eyes, he said in Malay
"This is the real 1Malaysia", I agreed and said it is. It is not a slogan, not a logo, not a jingle without any reality. It is
a walk. When people come together not to defend their own race or religion but to ask for their most fundamental
right to be respected, the right to justice and to be heard, we are one, for we are. When every now and then we
broke out into singing our national anthem, it was never more meaningful, especially when we came to the part
“Rakyat hidup bersatu dan maju” – The People live in unity and in progress. We are Malaysians, we are all God’s
creation, loved by Him.
For too long our nation has been divided when after fifty-three years of independence we should be more united
and integrated. I still remember those times before politicians put their dirty fingers into the cultural pot and
muddle it up, we were more 1Malaysia. There was no slogan or logo or PR firms to tell us how to be united but just
a human decency to respect and accept each other’s differences, be it religion, race or social standing. Most of my
best friends in school were people not of my own race and we never thought or talk in term of race or religion. We
were Malaysian.
But today, after 30 years of “engineering”, we are so polarised that we have formed our own little “ghettos”, cut off
from people not of our own race. We do not understand each other’s cultures, traditions, manners and customs like
we used to or we should. In many of us, there is a deep-seated suspicion, resentment, and some, even hatred of the
other races. We have forgotten that we are just people, who by divine providence, found ourselves sharing the
same homeland. This is OUR home.
That day, as I marched with my fellow Malaysians, it all came back to me – we are as we should be, just honest,
decent human beings who care for the future of this nation. I saw elderly pakciks and makciks being rudely spoken
to, roughly man-handled and some arrested for simply being there. Have we lost our decency that we have to
behave this way even if we are only discharging our duties? The protestors were peaceful but the provocateurs
were the police. Have they forgotten who pays for their monthly salaries and who chose the political masters they
are now serving? The very people they are now calling and treating as traitors, chasing them around like animals,
firing tear gas and water cannons on! We are the rakyat, as you are.
Coming back to your question, John, what would Jesus do? If Jesus were to be living in this country and in this time,
what would He have done? If he had known about the injustice done to the people through a flawed and corrupt

electoral system, would Jesus have kept quiet and looked away and perhaps plan to migrate to “greener pastures”?
If he had wanted to speak up but was told that he needed to apply for a permit and that permit was turned down,
would he have just shrugged his shoulders and said, “I tried”? Would Jesus have said, “But the Bible said I have to
submit to all governing authority, I can’t go against the government”? You know what. If Jesus had turned the other
cheek to all the wrongs and evil in his days and submitted to the governing authorities, He would probably have lived
to a ripe old age, gotten married and have children and grandchildren. So would all his disciples - Peter, Paul,
Stephen, James, and countless others, they would not have been killed by the governing authorities. Jesus was
framed by the politicians of his days, the Pharisees, accused of high treason and executed or as we would like to call
it, crucified. Most of the early disciples were martyred because they spoke up, that is, became a “security risk” to the
governing authorities. They refused to submit to their demands to be silent and they were executed.
But John, you may be saying, “But Jesus didn’t hold illegal rallies and go on street marches”. Well, he spoke to
thousands when he delivered the Sermon on the Mount and when He fed thousands with only two loaves and five
fish. And wherever He went, hundreds, if not thousands followed Him. But He has permit, you say. Well, we don’t
know if He has permit or not, though I doubt it. What if He needed to apply for permit and was not given? Would
He still have delivered the Sermon on the Mount and fed thousands? I’ve a feeling that Jesus would still have gone
ahead. What if in the middle of delivering the sermon, the governing authorities fired tear gas into the crowd and
charged at them with batons, turning an otherwise peaceful gathering into a riotous scene. Was Jesus to be blamed
though He offered no resistance to the police?
As a man, Jesus was a fire-brand speaker and a radical social reformer and He has asked us to follow in His footsteps.
You are right to ask, “What would Jesus do?” I am just not too sure that I would agree with your assumption that
Jesus would not be involved in the Bersih 2.0 rally. It was just as well that tear gas and water cannons were not
invented during Jesus’ time, otherwise the Gospel pages would be rather scant and most of His speeches would have
been interrupted by those same governing authorities He was condemning. Providentially for us, He was able to
speak freely eventhough it offended the authority greatly, enough to plot His death.
John, it is my hope that you would realise that it is not easy for us as Christians to live a pluralistic society like ours
and to try and figure out what Jesus would do if He was here. Once thing for sure, Jesus was not one to avoid
controversies or be cowed by those who opposed Him or is one who avoided taking action when the occasion calls
for it, I think of Him turning the money-changers’ tables in the Temple.
Let me close with this quote by Jesus when He was asked about John the Baptist. In Mathew 11:12 - And from the
days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. By
“violent” I am sure Jesus does not mean those who would hurt others just to get what they want but Jesus meant
that in order to advance the kingdom of heaven, it must be by people who have an inner character quality of quiet
determination and discipline to pursue after that which God has called him to. With that I conclude and hope even if
taking to the streets is not your cup of tea, you would at least stand with us for what Jesus stood for – freedom,
justice, fairplay and love, for that is what Bersih 2.0 is about.
Another thing that I realised when I marched with fellow Malaysians of all races and religion, I am staking a claim to
the future of Malaysian on behalf of my children and their children and on behalf of my race and religion. For now
we are still defined by our race and religion but may it come a day when we are not. Maybe I will write to you again
to explain further about this. Till then, take care.
Your brother in Christ,
Thomas Fann
EC no. 2 said "powerless"
Election Commission no. 2 in public over “powerless” claim
Wan Ahmad
“we don’t make decisions” and “we are powerless”
Summed up the explanation by EC deputy chairman Wan Ahmad Wan Omar on July 26 2011 in a packed public dialogue organised by Malay daily Sinar Harian at Shah Alam headquarter.
In “what next after July 9” forum, Wan Ahmad was trying to explain why EC can’t fulfil Bersih’s 8 demands for electoral reforms.
Wan Ahmad said that EC is an “election management” body. “The government in power, anyone who rules the country, will have the advantage to determine the policy of the government.”
“You don’t understand that the EC operates under many other laws like the Police Act, the Sedition Act. Don’t push the blame on us...”
Ambiga said that Article 115 (2) spelt out that public authorities must comply to the EC power given under the Federal Constitution.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Ah Long illness in our society-Below is my letter to the Star paper editor
I read "Why are Ah Longs so untouchable?" in The Star, today, Saturday July 23 2011.
I am sure it is the public knowledge where Ah Longs are putting up all sort of posters blatantly everywhere. Now that I read what Mr Paul Singh, Kuala Lumpur have highlighted in your paper, I began to realize that it is not only occurring in Melaka where I am residing.
Now the question Mr Paul asked, why the police are not apprehending the Ah Longs is the" very question we have been asking in our mind for a long time.

The only reason I can think of for the police is that Ah Long is not their priority. They have so many other cases to be busy with.
I do pity our police who are already have their hands full especially just after the Bersih 2.0 Rally where they were kept busy. I observed that they have been very efficient putting road blocks as early as July 1st. even though Bersih was on July 9th. They locked down the whole of Kuala Lumpur especially the areas near the Merdeka Stadium. I know this so well because I was there in the Bersih Rally.

It is very easy to notice where the police are kept busy, just take a look in your paper today, page NATION 27, "Shooter can't be determined". The individual who caused the death of 15-year-old Aminulrasyid Amzah could not be determined because there were two policemen who fired the shots. Mine you, the above case happened more than a year ago in last April. I really pity the police who had been kept so busy for more than a year now, trying to police their own colleagues.
Just one more example where our police are kept busy. Your paper again, today, July 23 2011,page 34 Other News & Views, "Cops produce proof to refute Mat Sabu's claim" the cops have to come up with CCTV footage that shows the motorcycle ferrying Mat Sabu avoiding the police car before hitting a road divider. Here, the police is involve in politic trying to defense the political masters. No wonder, the Rakyat concerns are not in their priority list.

Let me share with your readers my personal encounters in making reports to the police. They actually are doing the job of a clerk filing up my reports, that is all. How do I know it? Just ask the police, they will tell you what they are busy with. My reports are not their priority.
I have came across other people who just simply not making reports to the police any more. So sad.
They will tell you the police, instead of investigating the case, they who make the report are kept busy being interviewed. The reports just end up in the files.
So much so now, we just better save our time in reporting because it is going to be a futile exercise. I am sure this is a common knowledge.
Now, let me come back the the illness of Ah Long in our society. I think it is just the symptom and sign of many of our fellow Malaysians finding difficulty in getting proper loan from the bank. If not, why borrow from Ah Longs who charge such an exorbitant interest? People who go to Ah Longs are at the dead end financially.
I propose many of us can come up with micro-financing to help giving out soft loans to those who are worthy of help. What prevents us from doing it is that we neither have the expertise nor the man power to hand out the loan securely. Money, in my view is the least problem. Many will donate to help those who are genuinely in need of help. The other thing that prevents us from helping is that Malaysia is full of up to date regulations and licenses that restricting us instead of helping us to help others.
May be, the police can be forth coming to let us know how they have been coping especially with the slogan, "People first, performance now".
Wong Fort Pin, DM, DRM.
Klinik Wong,
tel: 06 2834530 or 012 2691176
Sent from my iPad
I am sure it is the public knowledge where Ah Longs are putting up all sort of posters blatantly everywhere. Now that I read what Mr Paul Singh, Kuala Lumpur have highlighted in your paper, I began to realize that it is not only occurring in Melaka where I am residing.
Now the question Mr Paul asked, why the police are not apprehending the Ah Longs is the" very question we have been asking in our mind for a long time.
The only reason I can think of for the police is that Ah Long is not their priority. They have so many other cases to be busy with.
I do pity our police who are already have their hands full especially just after the Bersih 2.0 Rally where they were kept busy. I observed that they have been very efficient putting road blocks as early as July 1st. even though Bersih was on July 9th. They locked down the whole of Kuala Lumpur especially the areas near the Merdeka Stadium. I know this so well because I was there in the Bersih Rally.

It is very easy to notice where the police are kept busy, just take a look in your paper today, page NATION 27, "Shooter can't be determined". The individual who caused the death of 15-year-old Aminulrasyid Amzah could not be determined because there were two policemen who fired the shots. Mine you, the above case happened more than a year ago in last April. I really pity the police who had been kept so busy for more than a year now, trying to police their own colleagues.
Just one more example where our police are kept busy. Your paper again, today, July 23 2011,page 34 Other News & Views, "Cops produce proof to refute Mat Sabu's claim" the cops have to come up with CCTV footage that shows the motorcycle ferrying Mat Sabu avoiding the police car before hitting a road divider. Here, the police is involve in politic trying to defense the political masters. No wonder, the Rakyat concerns are not in their priority list.

Let me share with your readers my personal encounters in making reports to the police. They actually are doing the job of a clerk filing up my reports, that is all. How do I know it? Just ask the police, they will tell you what they are busy with. My reports are not their priority.
I have came across other people who just simply not making reports to the police any more. So sad.
They will tell you the police, instead of investigating the case, they who make the report are kept busy being interviewed. The reports just end up in the files.
So much so now, we just better save our time in reporting because it is going to be a futile exercise. I am sure this is a common knowledge.
Now, let me come back the the illness of Ah Long in our society. I think it is just the symptom and sign of many of our fellow Malaysians finding difficulty in getting proper loan from the bank. If not, why borrow from Ah Longs who charge such an exorbitant interest? People who go to Ah Longs are at the dead end financially.
I propose many of us can come up with micro-financing to help giving out soft loans to those who are worthy of help. What prevents us from doing it is that we neither have the expertise nor the man power to hand out the loan securely. Money, in my view is the least problem. Many will donate to help those who are genuinely in need of help. The other thing that prevents us from helping is that Malaysia is full of up to date regulations and licenses that restricting us instead of helping us to help others.
May be, the police can be forth coming to let us know how they have been coping especially with the slogan, "People first, performance now".
Wong Fort Pin, DM, DRM.
Klinik Wong,
tel: 06 2834530 or 012 2691176
Sent from my iPad
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Bad news for Najib: French police have found "crucial" Scorpene documents
Bad news for Najib: French police have found "crucial" Scorpene documents
PM Najib Razak was reported in today The Star paper that "I told my family that I should return to Malaysia and I was prepared to forgo the holiday for the sake of Malaysians back home."
He was reported to concentrate on his meet-the-people sessions with Malaysians.
Can you believe that? I was astounded that he is such a lovimg PM which I perceived otherwise in Bersih 2.0 Rally. If he is so loving, he should have come to Bersih and experience first- hand the Bersih spirit of truly 1 Malaysia.
Now after reading the alternative online report that I realised he came back to crisis management.
You see the Frenchman Lawyer William Bourdon was in Malaysia, was about to drop the bombshell of the Ghost/spirit of Altantuya Sharaabuui murder and the kickback corruption concerning the Scorpene Submarine, Bourdon was arrested in the airplane before even he could disembarked the plane in KLIA.
Now, Bourdon and wife have been deported back to France, we will wait for further explosive discloser of what happened.
What the Malaysian police has done to Mr William Bourdon will just the opposite effect of spreading the news far and wide with the people focus on the scandal instead of being cover-up.(Streisand effect).
PM Najib Razak was reported in today The Star paper that "I told my family that I should return to Malaysia and I was prepared to forgo the holiday for the sake of Malaysians back home."
He was reported to concentrate on his meet-the-people sessions with Malaysians.
Can you believe that? I was astounded that he is such a lovimg PM which I perceived otherwise in Bersih 2.0 Rally. If he is so loving, he should have come to Bersih and experience first- hand the Bersih spirit of truly 1 Malaysia.

Now after reading the alternative online report that I realised he came back to crisis management.

Now, Bourdon and wife have been deported back to France, we will wait for further explosive discloser of what happened.
What the Malaysian police has done to Mr William Bourdon will just the opposite effect of spreading the news far and wide with the people focus on the scandal instead of being cover-up.(Streisand effect).
Scorpenes-Altantuya: Guilty as charged! Calls grow for Najib to quit

Altantuya Shaariibuu

William Bourdon, French Lawyer.

Scorpene Submarine
How many Malaysians will call upon Najib to step down?
Friday, July 22, 2011
Press bosses to silently protest against Putrajaya’s media council plan
Press bosses to silently protest against Putrajaya’s media council plan
The Information, Communication and Culture Ministry has sent letters inviting most media organizations to attend the inaugural meeting to form MCC (Media Consultative Council) next week.
The objectives are to be responsible in their duties to serve the country and people.
We will wait and see, what will come out of it.
Look like BN Government wants to do something better for a better Malaysia?
Dr Wong Fort Pin.

The Information, Communication and Culture Ministry has sent letters inviting most media organizations to attend the inaugural meeting to form MCC (Media Consultative Council) next week.
The objectives are to be responsible in their duties to serve the country and people.
We will wait and see, what will come out of it.
Look like BN Government wants to do something better for a better Malaysia?
Dr Wong Fort Pin.
Did Pak Lah try to nail Najib for murder? | Free Malaysia Today
Did Pak Lah try to nail Najib for murder? | Free Malaysia Today
TBH death could not have been suicide. Mostly depressed people, yes.There was no reason for TBH to be depressed. You can't be suicidal in a day. His case under investigation was only concerning misappropriation of RM2k. Of his boss, YB Au Yang, not TBH himself. Moreover, he was going to get married in a day or two. For him as a political secretary, he could not be easily cowed.
Anything else, but no, no, no, NOT suicide!
TBH found dead.
Therefore, the spirit of TBH will be around circling in Malaysian political air space for a long, long time, refusing to rest. Similar to the spirit of the Mongolian lady, Altantuya.
Lest TBH die in vain....
Altantuya Shaariibuu
TBH death could not have been suicide. Mostly depressed people, yes.There was no reason for TBH to be depressed. You can't be suicidal in a day. His case under investigation was only concerning misappropriation of RM2k. Of his boss, YB Au Yang, not TBH himself. Moreover, he was going to get married in a day or two. For him as a political secretary, he could not be easily cowed.
Anything else, but no, no, no, NOT suicide!

TBH found dead.
Therefore, the spirit of TBH will be around circling in Malaysian political air space for a long, long time, refusing to rest. Similar to the spirit of the Mongolian lady, Altantuya.
Lest TBH die in vain....

PASPB: Ibu Teoh tidak dapat terima keputusan Suruhanjaya ...
PASPB: Ibu Teoh tidak dapat terima keputusan Suruhanjaya ...: "ALOR GAJAH 21 JULAI : Pengumuman Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohd Nazri Aziz bahawa Suruhanjaya Diraja menyiasat ke..."
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Loving and enjoying the Orang Putih boy
A lovely boy, enjoying the moment after a heavy session in SOL (Station of Life) in Lahad Datu, Sabah July 2 to 7 2011. Must go again to SOL with Felicia and the rest of the family. Anyone interested to go but have financial constraint, please let me know, someone would like to sponser your trip there. contact numbers 06 2834530 0r 012 2691176 Dr Wong.
Lahad Datu,
lovely boy,
Station of Life
Lahad Datu, Sabah, Malaysia
Talk by Richard Rajoo the night before Bersih 2.0 Rally, July 8 2011
Our comrades, including my dear Leon and Michelle representing Melaka for a better Malaysia in Bersih 2.0 Rally. That night after the briefing by Jasmine Ng concerning tear gas and water cannon, the hearts of many must me a little fearful. Richard Rajoo came to bolden our hearts and minds.
Multitude in Bersih 2.0 Rally
What a day! Leon and I, father and son enjoyed the outing. We will never forget the moment. Many years from July 9 2011, we will surely reminiscence our Bersih day. Leon added lots more fun to it, imagine if you go movie alone. I have never gone alone.
Leon and Michelle came with me. If ever Bersih 3.0 come along, I hope to bring Felicia (will have retired by then, will be free to come), Melody (will have graduated from Assunta), David and Peterson will be big enough to come!
Leon and Michelle came with me. If ever Bersih 3.0 come along, I hope to bring Felicia (will have retired by then, will be free to come), Melody (will have graduated from Assunta), David and Peterson will be big enough to come!
Bersih 2.0 Rally comrades
We met for a short moment as we rested at a shop corridor on Jalan Sultan. We became instant comrades for a better Malaysia. Cheers!
Truly 1 Malaysia spirit we felt.
Truly 1 Malaysia spirit we felt.
Met Pak Ji in Bersih 2.0 Rally
We became instant friend, he offered me his bread and water. Even though I was not hungry, I took a piece of the Gardineer fruit bread. I must thank him for the kindness he shown me. We were busy running that day, did not take his contact. Hope to find him one day and say "Salam, Pak Ji !". This moment was forever linger in my memory, thanks to the platform of Bersih Rally. This friendship is not an isolated case. Many have similar encounters. God bless us, I see July 9 2011 as the beginning of a new Dawn of a better Malaysia. Cheers!
9 specialist dsoctors of Tung Shin Hospital confirmed the truth.
The police head of the state and then the Minister of Health denied the violation of the hospital compound on Bersih day. Many of us do not need the doctors to write to know what took place on July 9 for we could see the many videos in the internet. It still amazes me why the authority were not able to keep up to the social media broadcasting. The last I hear was, Liow was calling for an investigation. The present Government seems to be good at lots of this and what not inquiry even up to the royal one...to us it all mean "delay tactic". The outcome? Nothing! You still remember the Royal inquiry of Lingam, look like me, sound like me, but not me...Up to this very day, he and his gang are FREE of any wrong. Justice delayed is justice denied.
Please read the following to know the truth.
Dr Wong Fort Pin.
A letter from the doctors of Tung Shin Hospital.
We, the undersigned doctors, wish not to enter into the polemicsof the Bersih 2.0 march on 9th July 2011 but would like to clarify theinconvenient truth.
We are outraged at the incidents, and the subsequent responses fromthe authorities, to the events where tear gas and chemical laced waterwere shot into the compounds of Tung Shin and Chinese Maternity Hospitals,two adjacent buildings along Jalan Pudu, Kuala Lumpur, with scant regard for the safety of patients, staff and the general public who wereat the buildings that afternoon.
Hospitals are considered assafe sanctuaries for all, even during war times, but these consecratedplaces of refuge and protection were violated by the defence forcesthat afternoon. Police evenentered the buildingsin search of some of these peaceful marchers. What was most frighteningand witnessed by many was the unprovoked violent assault within thehospital compounds and apprehension of several protesters who had merelyrun into the hospitals to seek shelter from the tear gas and the watercannons!
It is repulsive that theauthorities entrusted with policing the nation and protecting the weakand needy, have shamelessly denied publicly, the occurrence of theseincidents IN SPITE of countless photo/video and eye witness accountsof what was evident to all independent observers.
A few of the undersigned were actually visiting or working in the hospitalsconcerned at the time of the events and will gladly provide sworn affidavits,if required, as to veracity of the incidents
The Malaysian public expect holders of high public office to honour theirpositions accorded by the citizens, by discharging their duties with moralintegrity, dignity and transparency.
Their failure to do so raises the public's doubts in their competenceand credibilty as much as it demeans those high offices.
Dr Ng Kwee Boon - ConsultantObstetrician & Gynaecologist
Datin Dr Low Paik See - Consultant Paediatrician
Dato’ Dr Musa Mohd Nordin - Consultant Paediatrician & Neonatologist
Dr Mazeni Alwi - Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist
Dr David Quek - Consultant Cardiologist
Dr Sheikh Johari Bux - Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
Dr Steve Wong - Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa - Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon
Dr Ng Swee Choon - Consultant Cardiologist
Please read the following to know the truth.
Dr Wong Fort Pin.
A letter from the doctors of Tung Shin Hospital.
We, the undersigned doctors, wish not to enter into the polemicsof the Bersih 2.0 march on 9th July 2011 but would like to clarify theinconvenient truth.
We are outraged at the incidents, and the subsequent responses fromthe authorities, to the events where tear gas and chemical laced waterwere shot into the compounds of Tung Shin and Chinese Maternity Hospitals,two adjacent buildings along Jalan Pudu, Kuala Lumpur, with scant regard for the safety of patients, staff and the general public who wereat the buildings that afternoon.
Hospitals are considered assafe sanctuaries for all, even during war times, but these consecratedplaces of refuge and protection were violated by the defence forcesthat afternoon. Police evenentered the buildingsin search of some of these peaceful marchers. What was most frighteningand witnessed by many was the unprovoked violent assault within thehospital compounds and apprehension of several protesters who had merelyrun into the hospitals to seek shelter from the tear gas and the watercannons!
It is repulsive that theauthorities entrusted with policing the nation and protecting the weakand needy, have shamelessly denied publicly, the occurrence of theseincidents IN SPITE of countless photo/video and eye witness accountsof what was evident to all independent observers.
A few of the undersigned were actually visiting or working in the hospitalsconcerned at the time of the events and will gladly provide sworn affidavits,if required, as to veracity of the incidents
The Malaysian public expect holders of high public office to honour theirpositions accorded by the citizens, by discharging their duties with moralintegrity, dignity and transparency.
Their failure to do so raises the public's doubts in their competenceand credibilty as much as it demeans those high offices.
Dr Ng Kwee Boon - ConsultantObstetrician & Gynaecologist
Datin Dr Low Paik See - Consultant Paediatrician
Dato’ Dr Musa Mohd Nordin - Consultant Paediatrician & Neonatologist
Dr Mazeni Alwi - Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist
Dr David Quek - Consultant Cardiologist
Dr Sheikh Johari Bux - Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
Dr Steve Wong - Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Dr Ahmad Farouk Musa - Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon
Dr Ng Swee Choon - Consultant Cardiologist
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Bersih Rally story by another medical doctor
Bersih Rally experience by Dr Tneoh. I read with keenest and kindred ship spirit because Sunny is a fellow doctor and a comrade in Bersih. Find out the internal ordeal he went through and the courage he took to brave all danger. This is one of the ten of thousands, thousands upon thousands of individual story. Please do not hear from the politicians who are expert in spinning and often tell cock and bull story which no one can believe. Either these politicians are moron or they think we are.
The propaganda told that Bersih Rally will be May 13 and it turn out to be almost heaven if not for the brutality orchestrated by a disconnected, out of touch, dying regime of 54 years. ( May 13: riot, loss of lives, chaos, racial disharmony, Ibrahim Ali, Perkasa chief had called himself, the general, declaring war, told the Chinese to store up food for July 9 and keep away from the rally. Khairy, Umno Youth chief, called himself patriot and his few men in red also marched to show their true color).
(Heaven almost: instead it turn out to be a wonderful extra ordinary experience where we found instant Malay fellow comrades who were so kind to come to our rescue in offering bread, water and sweet in my case. What a love in demonstration.)
While I write this, I can only be grateful for them. Not able to write and thank them personally one by one because I don't even know them. This is a kindred spirit I felt that forever change my perception of my fellow Malay brothers an sisters. I think this is not an isolated experience of mine. Many of us felt it.
Perhaps, this is the beginning of a new Dawn of a better Malaysia. Please enjoy your reading below written by Sunny.
Dr Wong
Sunny Tneoh
Date: Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 3:16 PM
Subject: Cleansing:Walking for a new Malaysia
There are three possible outcomes to my participation in
Bersih 2.0. A)Nothing serious happens perhaps with some exposure to
tear gas and chemical spray. B) Get arrested with 1-2 days police
custody and possibe beatings, C) something very unfortunate happens
and my wife and children claim my life insurance.
I m a 52 y.o GP from the north.Option B) I have had
several operations in the past and experience some degree of pain so I
figured I could survive a police beatng. As for option C) I was
confident my capable wife could take care of my children with our
savings and insurance taking care of their college education. I feel
as Malaysian Chinese we are used to sacrificing for our future
generations. Many of us save and use up all our saving to give the
best education for our children. Often neglecting our retirement funds
and old age needs. As a doctor I have often seen patient forgo
chemotherapy to prolong lives just so that their children are not
saddled with large debts after their demise. Sacrifice is
notunfamiliar to us, so marching in Bersih 2.0 is a similar situation.
I don’t mind to sacrifice if it would bring a better future for my
wife and kids.
The events leading to Bersih 2.0 had caused me extreme
anguish to say the least.The arrest of people for nothing other than
wearing yellow Bersih T shirts. Detaining the very selfless and
revered Dr Jeyakumar under emergency ordinance on dubious charges. As
a Christian I was also very disturbed by concocted charges by PERKASA
and Utusan that Christians were trying to overthrow the government,
not to mention the firebombing and burning of churches in the last
year or so. What is the logical sequelae to this kind of hate
mongering? The Nazis stared with hatemongering and progressed to
genocide.Who is to know where we are heading?
Several days before the event I had come to KL for a
business conference. At the conference I was quite discouraged that
among the attendees nobody mentioned about Bersih, until one CEO asked
the minister during a forum a question which could potentially have
got him fired from the GLC where he was employed.When I talked to him
he was also supportive of Bersih. I was much encouraged that perhaps
among the hundreds there were likeminded people. A presenter had all
his powerpoint slides coloured yellow. When I shared my intention to
walk with a supplier L, at the conference , he tried but failing to
persuade me to not walk he insisted I call him should I need to be
bailed out.
On 8th July Friday night, my family and I went to buy
salt and a towel. After that we had dinner. I told them that if I was
arrested they should go back to my hometown and wait for me. I told
them one of my suppliers had promised to bail me out should I be
arrested.I could not bring myself to discuss option (C) should
something unfortunate happen to me, with my family because I did not
know how to say it. Walking back to the hotel I held my wife’s hand
very tightly.
I worried as I waited for my friend a publishing Manager P.
and his wife to check in to my hotel. We planned to walk together. He
nearly couldn’t make it because of the police roadblocks he took 4
hours to get home from work. He finally did arrive by LRT after 11pm.
After breakfast at the hotel I got my family together
and we held hands and prayed for safety. 3 of us walked to The
Pavilion and from the through Jalan Bukit Bintang to Jalan Pudu. We
saw people in small groups, media people with their camera and name
tags, lawyers dressed in black suits. They all came from places like
Penang, Kedah and Johore.I was very touched by a group of maciks in
their tudung 5 or 6 of them in their 50s and 60s wondering how they
will hold up under tear gas and chemical spray. There was already a
police presence along the road so we avoided the police and zigzagged
our way to Jalan Tun Perak.
Suddenlly I saw them! the huge crowd stretching all the
way as far as my eye can see along Jalan Tun Perak. Despite all the
intimidation all these Malaysians Malays, Chinese and Indians have
come and in such numbers. I took a photo of this large crowd and
shared on my facebook “Today I am so proud to be Malaysian.” I shook
hands with a Petronas executive from Bintulu with his wife and 2
teenage sons all dressed to march. We joined the throng and shout
Bersih! Bersih! There was a carnival atmosphere. We took picture with
Baru Bian and his native friends with a Sarawak flag. I was so pleased
among the thousands I was able to bump into and take a photo with Dr
K, a good friend, from my hometown. Later in the day we are going
share salt after being teargassed.
We followed the crowd and ended in front of Menara
Maybank by this time about 1pm there was already 20-30000 people. I
was on the road divider underneath the LRT overhead rails. One of the
participants old me that this time there was much more Chinese
participation compared to Bersih1. There was a continous chatter of
Catonese admidst the shouts of HIdup Rakyat and Hidup Bersih. There
was some commotion when a crowd was advancing down in formation from
Jalan Pudu. We were worried that it was UMNO youth and an inevitable
confrontation. As the advancing crowd got nearer we saw their yellow
shirts, people started shouting “Ji Kei Yau,ji kei yau” our own people
in Cantonese. My friends wife wisely suggested we move up the grass
slope of Menara Maybank to have a better look.
Then it struck ,when we halfway up the stairs, the
water cannon hit the crowd on the road followed by tear gas. All
around me peple started choking and coughing, when I felt chilli had
hit my eyes and going into my chest. I felt giddy and couldn’t breath
for a spell. Then people were rushing to the decorative fountain to
wash and there people were sharing salt with one another including my
friend Dr K. Even in the rush everybody was helping one another. The
young men from PAS were exemplary. I thought to myself this is really
1Malaysia. We saw police coming so we ran up to the canteen of Menara
Maybank. My friend P, told us to sit down. This was fortunate as the
police was just randomly making some arrests especially those who ran.
Perhaps the police also felt confused wondering who to arrest.
Then I it started to rain heavily, praise God it washed
away the pungent smell of the tear gas We stayed in the canteen for
lunch with many others sheltering from the rain.There were several
young Chinese girls and an older Chinese lawyer who walked with a
limp. After recovering from the teargas we decided to leave the
compound of Menara Maybank. Going down the stairs we encountered
several police who made no effort to arrest us. Perhaps they have
fulfilled their their quota of arrests for the day. Haha.
On the way we saw a man collapsed on the road side and
there were many helpers around w aiting for ambulance. Our mutual
friend Low rang to see if we are alright. He said he had reserved
RM2000 to post bail if required. We walked around and joined a large
crowd heading towards the stadium on Petaling Street. The crowd
stopped right in from of Chinese Town Hall by trucks and few scores
of police blocking to the road to the stadium. We shouted and sang
Negara Ku. At about 400pm the leaders said according to Bersih’s
understanding with the Agung we will disperse.
It was a long walk back to KLCC along Jalan Maharaja
lela as most taxis were not running and the monorail stations were
closed though the coaches were running. Halfway we stopped for drinks.
We saw more people coming back from the march. One youngish man pushed
a pram. Both he and the baby wore yellow. We sat in the coffee shop
and became instant friends with several malay men. All of them looked
like police but their tear gassed eyes help to distinguish them. We
finally hailed a cab in front of Melia Hotel after perhaps walking for
15kms that day.
I am thankful none of the scary things I thought happened
except for the tear gas. I read a pro Government official write
yesterday asking what did we get from Bersih 2.0. He asked the wrong
question ,It is not about getting. It is about GIVING. Malaysia called
we answered, we gave our time, our money , our prayers, our comfort
and possibly our lives as Baharudin Ahmad found out. We ae giving of
ourselves for a better Malaysia. On the streets of KL on 709, people
were sharing , helping one another and partaking in the fellowship of
suffering for a better Malaysia. I saw it and was part of it and will
not rade anything for this.
Malaysians stood up that day against the bullying and
threats in great numbers to say "Imtimidaton doesn’t work." I am so
proud of Malaysians. The Arab Spring should have given notice to our
government that intimidation doesn’t work especially with the social
media today but I wonder how these multimillion dollar consultants are
advising our leaders. One week after the event our government hasn’t
really figured out how to deal with the fallout of videos of police
brutality and tear gas being fired into a hospital. It is going to get
harder to deal with this kind of situations by command and control of
the media. I feel this is only the beginning of a better Malaysia.
It s alway sunny in my heart, God loves me
Sunny Tneoh
The propaganda told that Bersih Rally will be May 13 and it turn out to be almost heaven if not for the brutality orchestrated by a disconnected, out of touch, dying regime of 54 years. ( May 13: riot, loss of lives, chaos, racial disharmony, Ibrahim Ali, Perkasa chief had called himself, the general, declaring war, told the Chinese to store up food for July 9 and keep away from the rally. Khairy, Umno Youth chief, called himself patriot and his few men in red also marched to show their true color).
(Heaven almost: instead it turn out to be a wonderful extra ordinary experience where we found instant Malay fellow comrades who were so kind to come to our rescue in offering bread, water and sweet in my case. What a love in demonstration.)
While I write this, I can only be grateful for them. Not able to write and thank them personally one by one because I don't even know them. This is a kindred spirit I felt that forever change my perception of my fellow Malay brothers an sisters. I think this is not an isolated experience of mine. Many of us felt it.
Perhaps, this is the beginning of a new Dawn of a better Malaysia. Please enjoy your reading below written by Sunny.
Dr Wong
Sunny Tneoh
Date: Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 3:16 PM
Subject: Cleansing:Walking for a new Malaysia
There are three possible outcomes to my participation in
Bersih 2.0. A)Nothing serious happens perhaps with some exposure to
tear gas and chemical spray. B) Get arrested with 1-2 days police
custody and possibe beatings, C) something very unfortunate happens
and my wife and children claim my life insurance.
I m a 52 y.o GP from the north.Option B) I have had
several operations in the past and experience some degree of pain so I
figured I could survive a police beatng. As for option C) I was
confident my capable wife could take care of my children with our
savings and insurance taking care of their college education. I feel
as Malaysian Chinese we are used to sacrificing for our future
generations. Many of us save and use up all our saving to give the
best education for our children. Often neglecting our retirement funds
and old age needs. As a doctor I have often seen patient forgo
chemotherapy to prolong lives just so that their children are not
saddled with large debts after their demise. Sacrifice is
notunfamiliar to us, so marching in Bersih 2.0 is a similar situation.
I don’t mind to sacrifice if it would bring a better future for my
wife and kids.
The events leading to Bersih 2.0 had caused me extreme
anguish to say the least.The arrest of people for nothing other than
wearing yellow Bersih T shirts. Detaining the very selfless and
revered Dr Jeyakumar under emergency ordinance on dubious charges. As
a Christian I was also very disturbed by concocted charges by PERKASA
and Utusan that Christians were trying to overthrow the government,
not to mention the firebombing and burning of churches in the last
year or so. What is the logical sequelae to this kind of hate
mongering? The Nazis stared with hatemongering and progressed to
genocide.Who is to know where we are heading?
Several days before the event I had come to KL for a
business conference. At the conference I was quite discouraged that
among the attendees nobody mentioned about Bersih, until one CEO asked
the minister during a forum a question which could potentially have
got him fired from the GLC where he was employed.When I talked to him
he was also supportive of Bersih. I was much encouraged that perhaps
among the hundreds there were likeminded people. A presenter had all
his powerpoint slides coloured yellow. When I shared my intention to
walk with a supplier L, at the conference , he tried but failing to
persuade me to not walk he insisted I call him should I need to be
bailed out.
On 8th July Friday night, my family and I went to buy
salt and a towel. After that we had dinner. I told them that if I was
arrested they should go back to my hometown and wait for me. I told
them one of my suppliers had promised to bail me out should I be
arrested.I could not bring myself to discuss option (C) should
something unfortunate happen to me, with my family because I did not
know how to say it. Walking back to the hotel I held my wife’s hand
very tightly.
I worried as I waited for my friend a publishing Manager P.
and his wife to check in to my hotel. We planned to walk together. He
nearly couldn’t make it because of the police roadblocks he took 4
hours to get home from work. He finally did arrive by LRT after 11pm.
After breakfast at the hotel I got my family together
and we held hands and prayed for safety. 3 of us walked to The
Pavilion and from the through Jalan Bukit Bintang to Jalan Pudu. We
saw people in small groups, media people with their camera and name
tags, lawyers dressed in black suits. They all came from places like
Penang, Kedah and Johore.I was very touched by a group of maciks in
their tudung 5 or 6 of them in their 50s and 60s wondering how they
will hold up under tear gas and chemical spray. There was already a
police presence along the road so we avoided the police and zigzagged
our way to Jalan Tun Perak.
Suddenlly I saw them! the huge crowd stretching all the
way as far as my eye can see along Jalan Tun Perak. Despite all the
intimidation all these Malaysians Malays, Chinese and Indians have
come and in such numbers. I took a photo of this large crowd and
shared on my facebook “Today I am so proud to be Malaysian.” I shook
hands with a Petronas executive from Bintulu with his wife and 2
teenage sons all dressed to march. We joined the throng and shout
Bersih! Bersih! There was a carnival atmosphere. We took picture with
Baru Bian and his native friends with a Sarawak flag. I was so pleased
among the thousands I was able to bump into and take a photo with Dr
K, a good friend, from my hometown. Later in the day we are going
share salt after being teargassed.
We followed the crowd and ended in front of Menara
Maybank by this time about 1pm there was already 20-30000 people. I
was on the road divider underneath the LRT overhead rails. One of the
participants old me that this time there was much more Chinese
participation compared to Bersih1. There was a continous chatter of
Catonese admidst the shouts of HIdup Rakyat and Hidup Bersih. There
was some commotion when a crowd was advancing down in formation from
Jalan Pudu. We were worried that it was UMNO youth and an inevitable
confrontation. As the advancing crowd got nearer we saw their yellow
shirts, people started shouting “Ji Kei Yau,ji kei yau” our own people
in Cantonese. My friends wife wisely suggested we move up the grass
slope of Menara Maybank to have a better look.
Then it struck ,when we halfway up the stairs, the
water cannon hit the crowd on the road followed by tear gas. All
around me peple started choking and coughing, when I felt chilli had
hit my eyes and going into my chest. I felt giddy and couldn’t breath
for a spell. Then people were rushing to the decorative fountain to
wash and there people were sharing salt with one another including my
friend Dr K. Even in the rush everybody was helping one another. The
young men from PAS were exemplary. I thought to myself this is really
1Malaysia. We saw police coming so we ran up to the canteen of Menara
Maybank. My friend P, told us to sit down. This was fortunate as the
police was just randomly making some arrests especially those who ran.
Perhaps the police also felt confused wondering who to arrest.
Then I it started to rain heavily, praise God it washed
away the pungent smell of the tear gas We stayed in the canteen for
lunch with many others sheltering from the rain.There were several
young Chinese girls and an older Chinese lawyer who walked with a
limp. After recovering from the teargas we decided to leave the
compound of Menara Maybank. Going down the stairs we encountered
several police who made no effort to arrest us. Perhaps they have
fulfilled their their quota of arrests for the day. Haha.
On the way we saw a man collapsed on the road side and
there were many helpers around w aiting for ambulance. Our mutual
friend Low rang to see if we are alright. He said he had reserved
RM2000 to post bail if required. We walked around and joined a large
crowd heading towards the stadium on Petaling Street. The crowd
stopped right in from of Chinese Town Hall by trucks and few scores
of police blocking to the road to the stadium. We shouted and sang
Negara Ku. At about 400pm the leaders said according to Bersih’s
understanding with the Agung we will disperse.
It was a long walk back to KLCC along Jalan Maharaja
lela as most taxis were not running and the monorail stations were
closed though the coaches were running. Halfway we stopped for drinks.
We saw more people coming back from the march. One youngish man pushed
a pram. Both he and the baby wore yellow. We sat in the coffee shop
and became instant friends with several malay men. All of them looked
like police but their tear gassed eyes help to distinguish them. We
finally hailed a cab in front of Melia Hotel after perhaps walking for
15kms that day.
I am thankful none of the scary things I thought happened
except for the tear gas. I read a pro Government official write
yesterday asking what did we get from Bersih 2.0. He asked the wrong
question ,It is not about getting. It is about GIVING. Malaysia called
we answered, we gave our time, our money , our prayers, our comfort
and possibly our lives as Baharudin Ahmad found out. We ae giving of
ourselves for a better Malaysia. On the streets of KL on 709, people
were sharing , helping one another and partaking in the fellowship of
suffering for a better Malaysia. I saw it and was part of it and will
not rade anything for this.
Malaysians stood up that day against the bullying and
threats in great numbers to say "Imtimidaton doesn’t work." I am so
proud of Malaysians. The Arab Spring should have given notice to our
government that intimidation doesn’t work especially with the social
media today but I wonder how these multimillion dollar consultants are
advising our leaders. One week after the event our government hasn’t
really figured out how to deal with the fallout of videos of police
brutality and tear gas being fired into a hospital. It is going to get
harder to deal with this kind of situations by command and control of
the media. I feel this is only the beginning of a better Malaysia.
It s alway sunny in my heart, God loves me
Sunny Tneoh
Frequent questions asked by voters
1. 在哪里可以登记成为选民?
- 全国每一间邮政局,进去排队,轮到你时,就说nak daftar pengundi,然后拿出身份证,她填好之后会给你签名,过程非常快。
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5. 为什么去年我登记了,还是没有名字的??
6. 我一个人登记,最多不是多一张票,不能改变什么的。
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