Went to the Police Station immediately, thinking, at least a detective with a gun can come to search the place. The police did not do that.
As fast as I could, without completing the report, I went back to the scene of crime. Start asking the car washing boys around if they see any one with the black computer bag. Went to the mosque, the Abang told me last week, the Tabung Derma in the mosque was stolen. Even the mosque is not spared! Went round the area, look at all the rubbish bins to see if my bag was there. Expecting the thief to chuck the bag as soon as he did not find what he wanted, the computer! Told some friends around the area to look out for my bag!
Went back to the Bukit Baru Police Station to complete my report. After spending 1 hour, was told that I need to report to Sjn Subri at Melaka Tengah, he is not free to come to Bukit Baru, I have to go. Spent at least another hour there!
By the time I finished my report, while driving home, I looked at my watch, it was already 8.30pm. I asked myself, what is the use of reporting?
Can any one give me some feedback?
This is not my first report at the Station. The Mercedes Logo in front of the car had been stolen 3 times! wasting a lot of time reporting!
Do you think so?
In fact the police ladies in the police station at Bukit Baru told me last Thursday, there was a similar case of car window breaking at the same Pasar Malam! Did the police take any action?
I felt like going next Thursday, during the Pasar Malam to watch over the place (ambush! the culprit.) Do you think I should do the detective job? Seriously, I am thinking of doing it! Who will provide me with a gun?
The thief/thieves have the cheek to open and throw the bag outside the bank which is opposite the POLICE STATION. Must me hinting to the police......WAKE UP!!!!!
I do believe in the possibility that the police themselves (or himself) are behind the stealing of your laptop. Remember the harrassment made by one of the sergant recently? He MAY be the one who ordered this to be done just maybe to look thru your laptop and then dumped it somewhere... Yes, it is a possibility nowadays judging by the way the police force is running. My thinking is, since the police station is just across the road from RHB Bank, it is a possibility. Anyhow it's best not to come to premature conclusions. I just thank God that your laptop has been returned to you that you may continue to blog and report. Cheers.
Wow! You are so lucky the guy found it and return to you!
Some people will just throw it away! :(
Anyway, take care and be safe.
Colburn Hee
Any fingerprint on the bag or car? Did the police do any finferprint dusting? Did they find the tool used to break the window? Any trace of blood? thieve may hurt himself breaking the window. Hah!!! guess not. There must be an investigation squad like the CSI or is it the CIF or whatever lah.
Thanks God, u'hv managed to get your lost belonging back in one. Thanks to a a real nice fellow in Mr Yap Hon Chong. A very good role model to the public. Big applause to him!!!
In certain 'mr.sherlock's homles' angle, I quite agreed with LW points that the whole inccidents might have be some kind of foul play in it.
Reason!?...simple enough, if it's a small thief job, probably a drug-addict or passer-by (looks most likely..)that could have be attracted by the bag exposed in the car and go after it. Well then, they would have sell whatever seems valuable to them for some $$$ particularly the laptop that could easily fetch any amount of cash. Isn't it!?
Another angle to look at..the thief would have searching high and low for whatever valuable inside the car since he/she had already committed a crime in breaking the window. Attached photos doesn't seem that at all. "Puzzle...???"
And so, what's the real motive behind it???
Blame the nation police forces..extremely disgraced.
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