Mr. Lim Joo Leong, the owner of the Hard Ware shop, complained to me that his licence fee for selling herbicides had been raised by the Jabatan Pertanian Malaysia from RM20.00 to RM250.00 per 3 years. The increase is more than 1000%. Will that cause inflation?He told us, it is even worst for the whole saler, they have to pay RM750.00 for the licence fee!

Mr Lim is holding up the Licence he paid for 2005 to 2008 which was RM20.00. The other man is YB Khoo.

Closed up photo of his licence.

Chinese reporters taking down notes during the press conference today, Monday March 7, 2008 at 12.30 noon.

Mr. Lim, sitting at his shop counter.

I was at his shop, getting more details of his complaint. He told me long ago, of course that was very long ago during his father's time there was hardly any fee. Now, you not only need fees for so many things, eg. cement, iron rods, chemical. Different licence fee for different items you sell! He also complained that he cannot place his goods at the corridor, for which he had been fined by the Majalis Perbandaran. Reason? that space is for pedestrians. Yet, he compained that now you can pay a fee, then you can use the corridor, or 5 foot way to display your goods." What sort of rule is it? Is all up to them! What they want is money!" he lamented.
Eventually, the cost will all be passed down to you and me, the consumers. The farmer buy herbicide at a ver high price, he surely has to charge more for his vegetables that you buy. Mr Lim had stopped selling the herbicide for a few months now. Why? he told us for a 10 litres herbicide, used to cost him RM165.00 last year, this January cost RM240.00 and now, the latest is costing him, his price is RM428.00! He will not sell now! Why? "the customers will scold me! they will not understand" he said.
What do you think the Government should do?What can we do? Thank you for your feedbacks!
Pak Lah said he had heard the message of March 8, note taken. When I told Mr. Lim, he said it is no use hearing, we want to see what you do! Hopefully, all the Pak Lah kaki will take note of the complaint.
I have seen too many similar cases involves Indian & Chinese hawkers stalls but not at all to others mamak/malay stalls. Especially those tables set-up not only along varendar of walkways but most outrageous is occupying the public parking spaces. Absolutely discriminating!!!
I would think best resolution is to revoke and abolished all such licensing to all directly & indirectly affected Malaysian traders irrespective of races. Certainly that would depend if the government really have the caring heart for the people of Malaysian or not.
I totally agree with Alfred! No more discriminations!
This is outrageous!
Colburn Hee
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