Evil exists because good people do nothing. Let's begin with you and me. ARISE and take ACTIONS!
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Thursday, November 27, 2014
Silent no more, please
Can we prove the statement that the silent majority is irrelevant wrong? Can we resolve this day to be relevant in our speech and action so as to reclaim back our nation for our children? Do we want our children to grow up hating another person just because of the colour of their skin? That is no way to live. Thomas Fann
Its Malaysia under threat – not Malays or Islam – if we aim to be one of the top countries in the world in terms of competitiveness, good governance, rule of law and crackdown on corruption
UMNO should reform and advocate a more inclusive approach and policy focussing of good governance, closing the gap between the rich and poor, restoring the rule of law and independence of national institutions, and combat corruption instead of resorting to high-handed rule and the irresponsible race and religious rhetoric and politics of hatred to save its political life.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Monday, November 10, 2014
LIVE TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY! Veteran activist tells youth to flee if oppressed by Putrajaya
Full article: http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=395792:live-to-fight-another-day-veteran-activist-tells-youth-to-flee-if-oppressed-by-putrajaya&Itemid=2#ixzz3IaTwSglf
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Saturday, November 8, 2014
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Anwar rejects exile
Uppermost in many mind is the one Question, Will they jail Anwar?
I think so, affirmative, YES! What are they doing, aren't they doing what they are doing that will finally putting him in jail?
Now, will Anwar self exile ("Chabut")?
Far from him!
>>>>he does
will be
>>>>the END
>>>>of our HOPE
>of bringing an end
>>to this corrupted regime
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Carrot and stick, and other imaginary monsters in Malaysia
Najib’s latest “You help me, I help you†variation at MCA General Assembly offensive and obnoxious for four reasons: run afoul of his pledge to be PM for all, 1Malaysia policy, Global Movement of Moderates initiative and pledge to make Malaysia world’s best democracy
Najib must be reminded that the aspirations of Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region to good governance, democratic freedoms, economic justice and progress, educational excellence and sustainable environment transcend ethnic boundaries and political differences.
The rise of extremism and death of reason
Extremism and other racially motivated violence are all part and parcel of a political agenda created by the ruling elite. The terror created by extremism is man-made, fabricated and by all means not natural and therefore can be brought down.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Monday, September 15, 2014
Call for immediate halt to the sedition dragnet against dissent and criticism and withdrawal of all sedition charges as Mahathir and many UMNO Ministers and leaders should be the first to be hauled to court for sedition if the current sedition blitz not afflicted by sins of discriminatory bias and malicious/selective prosecution
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Datuk Seri, please do the right thing
Far from being seditious and traitorous, many of them are in fact the very moderates which you speak so highly and are supportive of as being the bulwark against extremism and injustice in this country. They speak out in support or opposition because they care about and love this country. The extremists on the other hand seem to have a freehand, are unaccountable and act without fear and with impunity regardless of the damage, tensions and fear they create and cause.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Give up on Pakatan - NO WAY! M'sians must back Anwar, Guan Eng for standing up to DIRTY Umno warfare
From being idealistic, they have to be realistic that we are not talking about a perfect coalition that will outshine the Barisan Government. Instead, the bigger picture as someone pointed out recently is to have two parties equally strong and competing for our votes. Only then, can we become kingmakers. - Malaysia Chronicle
Full article: http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=356731:give-up-on-pakatan-no-way-msians-must-back-anwar-guan-eng-for-standing-up-to-dirty-umno-warfare&Itemid=2#ixzz3CuHhfFdB
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Monday, August 25, 2014
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Why Muslim Dr. Nabeel Qureshi Converted to Christianity
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Hadi's grand ambition to play King-maker in S'gor backfires badly on PAS
PAS vice-president Datuk Husam Musa said that PAS should not sink with Khalid. It was indeed a wake-up call. PAS has made a last minute turn, but everything seems to have been too late. Just like Khalid who has become increasingly not understandable, the words and deeds of PAS over all these days have been leading the party step-by-step towards sinking! -Mysinchew
Full article: http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=342852:hadis-grand-ambition-to-play-king-maker-in-sgor-backfires-badly-on-pas&Itemid=2#ixzz3Arz9hqpB
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Surendran pleads NOT GUILTY to sedition
Monday, August 18, 2014
Well done, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim!
Definitely not worth the while .
I think Khalid can't help it, I guess.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Friday, August 15, 2014
Khalid’s bluff called that he still commanded majority support in Selangor State Assembly after expulsion from PKR last Saturday
Khalid is confronted with the stark choice of salvaging whatever is left of his personal and political honour by either resigning gracefully or convening an emergency Selangor State Assembly for a confidence vote to be taken OR leaving behind a disreputable political legacy completely bereft of honour, ethics or principle.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Quo Vadis, Pakatan Rakyat?
See it as filtering process for 2 parties system to be firmly established- that is when Umno /BN lose the Federal rule for at least once.
Just as birthing process has a lot of pain- Malaysia is going through now.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Thursday, August 7, 2014
TIME TO PART WAYS: PKR must sack Khalid, Pakatan must drop PAS or lose credibility with voters
Best to ditch PAS now instead of having them as an uncomfortable partner with questionable links to Umno. It may need new strategies and take longer to get to Putrajaya without PAS, but Pakatan will not have a millstone around its neck when it gets there. - Malaysia Chronicle
Full article: http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=335511:time-to-part-ways-pkr-must-sack-khalid-pakatan-must-drop-pas-or-lose-credibility-with-voters&Itemid=2#ixzz39ha8sZT2
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10 Ogos bukan hari penentu bagi Khalid, tetapi hari penentu Pakatan Rakyat
August 10 is not D-Day for Khalid but D-Day for Pakatan Rakyat
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Even if Pakatan survives S'gor crisis, can PAS ever regain the trust of non-Malays?
Whatever it is, it has become a sure thing that domestic politics will be reshuffled. Pakatan Rakyat will no longer be a three-party pact as only PKR and DAP will still be in the play. If PAS chooses to align with Umno, the erdogans within the party might flee en masse.
Full article: http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=332471:even-if-pakatan-survives-sgor-crisis-can-pas-ever-regain-the-trust-of-non-malays?&Itemid=2#ixzz39FPcKWSZ
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Saturday, July 19, 2014
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
‘Allah’ struggle not over, moderate Muslims should lend support, says UN official
Friday, July 4, 2014
Thursday, July 3, 2014
In one fell swoop, Tengku Adnan has become the most callous and heartless of all Cabinet Ministers
Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, who warned today that soup kitchens in Kuala Lumpur have until Monday to relocate out of the city centre if they do not want to be fined by City Hall – a day after he warned that his ministry would impose fines and other penalties on the givers of alms and beggars .
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Withdraw call to Umno to emulate ISIL - Guan Eng tells Najib as militants declare Islamic caliphate in Iraq
To err is human, to withdraw his statement is in order. To persist is worst of.
M'SIAN COURTS FAIL TO RAISE CONFIDENCE: NZ g'tees fair trial if diplomat returns to face sex charges
NAME FINALLY REVEALED! M'sian diplomat accused of sex attack in NZ to be tried by military court
Nobody is above the law.
We must see that justice is administered.
Any back-door attempt to enforce hudud is illegal, says Ambiga
People are to be aware and stand up against this back-door attempt!
How ISIS is overshadowing al Qaeda
ISIS Threatens Al Qaeda as Flagship Movement of Extremists
Those who rule by the sword, will die by the sword!
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Friday, June 27, 2014
Theofascism and the myth of ‘Moderate Malaysia’
Today, Malaysian-made militancy made headlines all over the world, damaging Malaysia’s moderate image. It is time for the Government to give serious attention to the Wahhabi movement and no longer be fooled by them. Malaysia needs to clean herself from this plague as ‘theofascism’ is a threat to a multi-faith multi-racial country like Malaysia. Above all, Malaysian leaderships needs to enhance their international relations knowledge.
A German lesson for Malaysia
The system in Germany is constructed such that no matter what happens or who is in power, it matters not to the German people. This is because everyone has to play by the same rules. And these rules are non-negotiable.”
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Thursday, June 19, 2014
A Disastrous Void: Why The MH370 Public Response Failed
They just don't know.
It is better to just say that!
A happy PM, but a sad nation
The simple fact is that we have a weak Prime Minister; an occasional PM.
MH370: Time for accountability, heads must roll, forum told
MH370: Time for accountability, heads must roll, forum told
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
UMNO Selangor motion on hudud implementation withdrawn as Selangor PR State Assembly members from DAP, PKR and PAS fully united and had decided to vote against UMNO motion in keeping with the PR Common Policy Framework that justice, freedom and good governance and not hudud are the common PR agenda priorities
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Saturday, June 7, 2014
The best democracy’ debunked
- Finally, it has dawned on Najib Abdul Razak that Malaysiakini readers are not worth winning over and he is now going for the jugular by serving the news portal a writ of summons over defamation.
This is the man who, upon assuming the highest political office in the country five years ago, conceded that “the days the government knows best are over”, and went on to introduce a host of ‘reformist’ measures. He also declared unashamedly that he would make Malaysia ‘the best democracy in the world’.
But what evolved in the years after has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that Najib had promised Malaysians gems but delivered worse than pebbles.
Indeed, he abolished the infamous Internal Security Act, but has kept intact, rather cunningly, the Sedition Act which was supposed to be also repealed.Had Najib been sincere in any reform agenda, his administration would have been refrained from using the Sedition Act pending its replacement. Instead, Mat Shuhaimi Shafiei, the Sri Muda assemblyperson, is stillfighting his case at the Federal Court, while Teresa Kok became the latest victim over her, okay, not-so-tasteful Chinese New Yearvideo clip.
Much as I detest the arbitrary law, it remains morally outrageous to see the Umno-friendly individuals - from Ibrahim Ali, Zulkifli Noordin, Ridhuan Tee to the Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) clowns - above it. The shameless double standard only debunks further the myth of national unity as Najib has mendaciously pledged.
Still, the mainstream newspapers praised him to the skies back in April 2009 as if Malaysia’s elevation to a full democracy was nigh. Just look at Tay Tian Yan of Sin Chew Daily who wrote unabashedly of Najib as being “confident and capable... ready to be a prime minister for all Malaysians”. Yes, go laugh your head off before reading on.
But Najib’s desperate move only exposes his vulnerability within the party. When he sought to exert his authority as party president and prime minister by removing Ahmad Said from office, the former Terengganu chief minister pulled off a last-minute coup over, amusingly, his daughter’s wedding and the s**t hit the fan.
Prior to that, Najib had come under enormous pressure from the ultras within the party and a vengeful Mahathir Mohamad from without. His inability to rein in Ahmad Said is just another indicator of his untenable position, and so livid was he that he decided to punish Malaysiakini for his own failings.
Waging war with all parties except...
Truth be told, it is Umno’s mouthpiece Utusan Malaysia that has been churning out defamatory stories and waging war with all parties except its own political masters.For DAP, is it ‘a Christian agenda’; for PKR, it is ‘DAP’s poodle’; for PAS, it is ‘selling out the Malays’, for Nurul Izzah Anwar, it is ‘apostasy’; for Ambiga Sreenevasan, it is ‘a threat to Islam’; for Anwar Ibrahim, it is ‘sexual deviation’; for Malaysiakini, it is ‘the habit of defaming others’ and, for peace-loving Malaysians who took part in the Bersih rallies, what else but a bunch of ‘samseng’ who came with ‘knives, guns and stones with an intention to kill’!
If there is one person who should feel the righteous wrath at being insulted, humiliated and defamed on a daily basis, it should be the ordinary Malaysian who is yearning for change but is made to suffer all the innuendos and racist statements at the hands of Utusan and other Umno-controlled media, on which Najib has been conspicuous by his silence.And Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK - right) has the nerve to accuse Malaysians of humbuggery in acquiescing to Anwar’s lawsuits against those who have defamed him.
I am pretty certain RPK has sold his soul to the devil and now chosen to seeonly what he wants to see. Anwar, or any potential rivals to Umno for that matter, is compelled to resort to court to clear his name precisely because his right of reply is persistently denied and even suppressed by the powers-that-be.
By contrast, not only that Malaysiakinihas afforded Najib a right of reply, but Umno has also the entire state machinery to rebut and even distort whatever that is reported by online portals. Can RPK who is purportedly wise and discerning not see the crucial difference?
Be that as it may, the public should welcome Najib’s lawsuit, for it will once and for all shatter his image as a pseudo-democrat.
I would say: Bring it on Najib, but make sure you will not be dodging critical questions in court. After all, it is you and your government that will be put on trial for the whole world to see, your advantage of having some malleable judges on your side notwithstanding. - Josh Hong | 4:47PM Jun 6, 2014
JOSH HONG studied politics at London Metropolitan University and the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. A keen watcher of domestic and international politics, he longs for a day when Malaysians will learn and master the art of self-mockery, and enjoy life to the full in spite of politicians.
Jais intrusion on a Hindu wedding is an "embrassment"
- Catholic Bishop Paul Tan Chee Ing said the "cooked up" perception that Islam is under threat in Malaysia "is presently the biggest menace to national well-being."
"This perception resides in the fevered imaginations of a few and has spawned hate speech and intrusive actions that are an embarrassment to many and oppression to several," said the head of the Catholic Church in the Malacca-Johor diocese.
Tan said it was a relief that Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim was prepared to describe as an "embarrassment" the action by the Selangor Islamic Affairs Department (Jais) in intruding on a Hindu wedding at a temple last Sunday where the bride was taken away for questioning.
"Insofar as there is said to be a general culture in this country, an action such as that taken by Jais must be said to be embarrassing and uncultured," observed the Jesuit-trained prelate."I credit Khalid (right) in acknowledging this to be so - it comes as a breath of fresh air at a time when some religious people feel their principles must outweigh good manners and courtesy," said the bishop.
"Come to think of it, this is about the first time someone in high authority has spoken up on the need for manners over false rectitude. This must count as a minor triumph in the struggle for sanity in the face of religious hysteria," he asserted.
The outspoken prelate said that "given the silence amounting to craven acquiescence among people in high authority, a cabal of bigots is going around doing things as if they are a law unto themselves."
"As we have seen in every age, this type of behavior is a prelude to fascism. It only takes the continuing silence of those in authority and the submission of ordinary citizens for fascists to triumph and for the rest to knuckle under their reign," he said.
"It is amazing that the government has not said anything or taken any action against outrageous manifestations of fascism," he asserted.
Tan urged the silent majority of Malaysians to say "No" to forces that want to see good manners steamrolled by "people wearing brass knuckles in a religious cause.
Bishop credits MB's stand on Jais
Terence Netto | 10:31AM Jun 5, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Saturday, May 10, 2014
One year after GE13, lost in sea of politicking
What do Malaysians want?
Will the politicians get down to work for the common good of all and stop fighting for selfish gain?
Malaysians on the whole deserve better than they have at the moment, and are rightly frustrated by the exclusionary turns of their leaders, but the fact that they are speaking out and sending clear messages of dissatisfaction offer promise, even if it is less promising than many hope for.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Obama’s Visit: Any Value and Is Anyone Listening?
Obama is too disappointing for not standing up against an authoritarian government of Najib.
He is concern of American economic interest, he will not fight for our democratic right. We have to ourselves!
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Perjuangan mendiang Karpal Singh vs perjuangan Umno dan BN
This is written by an Umno MP, which is quite rare in Malaysia.
Interesting to read a young Umno MP's view, especially on Karpal for on the Karpal's funeral day, there was an obvious conspicuous absent of Umno's people in paying the last respect.
Many who were there including Keadilan members headed by Anwar Ibrahim, PAS by Mat Sabu, and many NGOs, not to mention DAP. None from Umno as far as I know on the funeral day.
Having said that I need to mention PM and deputy PM did go to the home to pay their tribute to Karpal during the wake before the Sunday funeral.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Karpal Singh speaks on his conviction.
Karpal Singh
My conviction in relation to what I have always maintained was a legal opinion, is an affront to freedom of speech.
The decision will deter citizens from their right to question an executive decision, or even a decision made by a Ruler in his official capacity, as after the amendment to the Federal Constitution in 1993, a Special Court to try the Rulers was set up. A citizen can take a Ruler to Court. If he makes a decision affecting the rights of a citizen or a decision which is not in accordance with law, a citizen has the right to commence proceedings in the Special Court albeit he must first obtain the consent of the Attorney General.
It is the Sedition Act 1948 which has brought about this unfortunate position. The position is compounded because the PM is on record for having said, before the last election, that the Sedition Act would be repealed. He has not lived up to his word.
Eliminating me from the political terrain will not be the end of Karpal Singh. It will in fact lead to the rise of many Karpal Singhs!
Every citizen is required, in view of this very dangerous precedent set in my conviction, to rise up to the occasion and make it clear to the government that such encroachment to the right of a citizens freedom of expression, as ordained in the Federal Constitution, will not be lightly taken.
People of Kajang should in the coming by-election give expression to that discontentment by ensuring that the BN candidate loses her deposit.
National Service
Since the mainstream media is not allowed to publish such news by the powers that be, please do a bit of national service by forwarding this article to your contacts on the net & ask them to repeat the process.
Just imagine the exponential power of disseminating news in this manner. If one person sends out this message to 10 of his contacts and each of the 10 contacts in turn repeats this process of spreading the word around, by the 7th level, 1 million readers would have received the same message. This is a good deed that all right thinking Malaysians MUST do. It is our duty to save our nation.
This is one simple & powerful way where we can spread the message to the rakyat to bring about a change for a better govt. Yes
we can do it. We owe it to ourselves and to our children and their children.
Change we must. Change we can. Change we will.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Thursday, March 13, 2014
MH370 exposes to the world Malaysia's WEAKNESSES after 5 decades of UMNO-BN MISRULE
The missing of MH 370 is the manifestation of how the Umno regime has been doing.
One thing is for sure- when the top leaders are promoted to their level of incompetency, they will fumble and stumble !
See how inadequate they are in the glare of international media spotlight.
Worst of all, they have little insight of the problem and yet behaving arrogantly !
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Malaysia Sodomy Case Flawed from Day One
The charges against Anwar seemed cooked up and malicious, but government prosecutors pressed ahead anyway
Anwar Ibrahim’s Sodomy II trial, which ran almost two years before ending in 2012, was condemned internationally by legal scholars and human rights activists.
He was eventually acquitted for lack of evidence only to have an appeals court reverse that decision, ruling in favor of a government appeal on Friday. He was sentenced to five years in prison but is free on bail pending appeal. Homosexuality is illegal in Malaysia.
The sudden reversal on Friday shocked political observers and the general public.
Despite an offer to appear voluntarily at the police station to deal with the charges, the opposition leader was arrested at his home on July 16 of that year by a contingent of 10 carloads of police commandos and was locked up overnight in a Kuala Lumpur jail.
The trial, which began in February 2010, was marred by the introduction of a mountain of questionable evidence, egregious prosecutorial errors and a long series of prejudicial rulings by High Court Judge Mohamad Zabidin Mohamad Diah.
From the very beginning, doubts began to surface. To start with, Saiful belatedly sought to get doctors to certify that he had been sodomized 48 hours after the alleged encounter. He first went to a private hospital where a doctor found no evidence of penetration and told him to go to a government hospital. At the first government hospital, doctors also told him they had found no evidence of tearing or scarring that would have indicated his anus had been penetrated. He was forced to go to a third government hospital where he finally found a physician willing to say the act had taken place.
There were many questions about the DNA, which was allegedly taken from Saiful’s rectum 90 hours after the reported act took place. He claimed not to have eaten, drunk nor gone to the bathroom for that entire period.
The evidence was stored in an unguarded police office. Government laboratory technicians testified that as many as 11 different DNA traces had been found in Saiful’s rectum. At one point Zabidin ruled that the DNA was too doubtful to be admitted, only to have the prosecution appeal, at which point the judge reversed himself, leading to charges he had been coerced.
There were even questions whether Saiful had actually met with Anwar on the date he allegedly was sodomized. Although cameras showed him in the lift of the building where the offence allegedly took place, Anwar said he was meeting with a group of economists in the condo at the time and that Saiful had not appeared in the room.
Saiful also acknowledged meeting secretly twice with Rodwan Mohd Yusof, a senior assistant police commissioner, before the alleged offense took place. Rodwan became famous, or infamous, in Anwar’s 1998 Sodomy I trial when he was found to have illegally removed Anwar’s DNA samples from forensic custody and planted them on a mattress allegedly used by Anwar for a homosexual dalliance. To protect the integrity of the prosecution’s case, the presiding judge, Augustine Paul, expunged the entire DNA evidence at the time.
Saiful testified that on the day he allegedly met with Anwar, he had taken lubricant with him to Anwar’s condominium – hardly the act of an innocent aide who had no idea that the then 63-year-old Anwar was about to jump him for unnatural sex.
It also became known during that Saiful was having a sexual liaison with Farah Azlina Latif, a female member of the prosecution team, which might have further disqualified him as a complaining witness.
“Anwar is innocent and a victim of this slander… as such I apologize to Anwar and his family,” Azlan said in a printed statement.” He and his family have suffered a lot as a result of this slander. I deeply regret all the slander hurled against Anwar, which involved my son Saiful Bukhairi.”
The case “was planned in great detail by a special officer in the PM’s Department,” Azlan said. “Even the script I read during the press conference after Anwar’s sodomy acquittal last year was prepared by this officer.”
His son, he said, “has never explained the sodomy incident and the accusation to me. I was never called as a witness in the case. I was never called by any party to offer my statement as the father from the start to the end of the trial.”
Although he was always seen accompanying his son during the trial, Azlan explained that he did so simply as a father who was giving moral support. Azlan said he decided to make his statement after collecting information obtained during the trial, as well as that sent to him by the public.
“As a Malay and a Muslim, I started to realize the evil of this plan. I don’t want to continue to conspire with this malicious slander. I want the people who love this country to know their malicious intention,” he said. “If this malicious intention continues, not only the Malays and Muslims would be destroyed, but the nation would be destroyed as well. I do not want to see this happen.”
Friday, March 7, 2014
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Friday, February 28, 2014
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Friday, February 14, 2014
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Monday, February 10, 2014
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Friday, February 7, 2014
M'sia, only nation in the world where you can KILL, SMEAR BLOOD, OFFER MONEY to slap an MP
Full article: http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=223611:msia-the-only-nation-in-the-world-where-a-rabid-group-can-kill-smear-blood-offer-money-to-have-an-mp-slapped&Itemid=2#ixzz2sb6afXiE
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Asia’s Dangerous Strongman Nostalgia
Musing over the past helps humankind avoid repeating its mistakes. But looking at yesteryear with rose-tinted glasses encourages policies and styles of leadership that are no longer relevant in a fast-changing Asia. The more voters yearn to go back, the more they may suffer in the future.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Friday, January 31, 2014
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Nation on fragile ground, warns Kit Siang
Monday, January 27, 2014
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Monday, January 20, 2014
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Who is the leader?
Perkasa- Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa- defending the rights of the ethnic Malays.
Isma - Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia
Splinter from Jamaah Islah Malaysia (Ikram).
Isma is one of the many Muslim groups that exist in Malaysia that was inspired by another global movement called the Muslim Brotherhood.
2 potent pressure groups in Malaysia today.
The agenda of these 2 groups resonate only with Umno.
Their voices are heard in issues, such as PPSMI, the New Economic Model, Malaysia Education Blueprint , Allah debacle, Bible seizure, Syiah in Malaysia , Reintroduction of ISA.
Najib has not said anything substantive to denounce all the aggression by the 2 groups.
It is possible that Najib is in a weak position and there are others actively undermining him from within.
Call for bi-partisan support in March/April Parliament for a RCI into RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal or Malaysia will be international laughing stock as “land of mega-scandals without criminalsâ€
Malaysia- a land of mega-financial scandals without criminals?
The double acquittal of the two former Transport Ministers have caused much disappointment.
Many of our Malaysian institutions and system have been badly undermined, damaged and even destroyed in the past three decades starting with the 22-year Mahathir premiership.