A merry heart doeth good [like] a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.
Proverbs 17:22 KJV
If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension. And if you didn't ask me, I'd still have to say it.
George Burns (1896 - 1996)
LAB comments: A "merry heart" is cheerful. To be cheerful is to be ready to greet others with a welcome, a word of encouragement, an enthusiasm for the task at hand, and a postive outlook on the future, Such people are as welcome as pain-relieving medicine.
My comments: A merry heart is not only good like medicine for others, it is also very good for the owner. It is one of the Key to LONGEVITY. The question is how to have a cheerful heart? Do not hold any grudges in your heart against anyone who offended you. Be contented with having food and clothing so that you will not have to race with the rats. Love God, yourself and others. Easy? Can do? Any comments?
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