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Saturday, July 20, 2013

FREE ALVIVI ! Go after the real bigots, Ridhuan Tee, Zul Noordin, Ibrahim Ali - stand up!

FREE ALVIVI ! Go after the real bigots, Ridhuan Tee, Zul Noordin, Ibrahim Ali - stand up!

First up is Ridhuan Tee Abdullah who, week after week, spews out condemnation on non-Muslims and non-Malays in his newspaper column (although a non-Malay himself).
What happens to him? He gets the backing of the ruling political powers who obligingly launches his books and introduces him at public "ceramahs".
Then there is Datuk Zulkifli Noordin who seems to have a vengeance against Malaysians who are of the Hindu persuasion, and belittles and insults the religion.

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