“Even if all the Chinese were to unite under one banner, it is mathematically impossible, they would only form 24 percent, and Mahathir knows this,” said the ardent blogger who goes with the nom de guerre Sakmongkol AK47.
Evil exists because good people do nothing. Let's begin with you and me. ARISE and take ACTIONS!
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Wednesday, July 31, 2013
For Sakmongkol AK47, Malaysia’s future lies beyond just Umno
For Sakmongkol AK47, Malaysia’s future lies beyond just Umno
M'sia back to the days of Al Capone due to govt inaction from Dr M's time - Jui Meng
M'sia back to the days of Al Capone due to govt inaction from Dr M's time - Jui Meng
We as ordinary folks have already suspect that there are under-world, be they dealing with drug or other illegal business are connected with the police.
Here you read of Ong Tee Kiat compiled a list to Mahathir when he was in power, no action was taken.
This exposed to us the secret dealing of Government with the under-world.
Now we have seen 3 murders/attempt murders in the last 7 months.
How can a corrupted government police policed itself?
We must set up IPCMC without delay!
People everywhere especially the ordinary folks must speak up !
We as ordinary folks have already suspect that there are under-world, be they dealing with drug or other illegal business are connected with the police.
Here you read of Ong Tee Kiat compiled a list to Mahathir when he was in power, no action was taken.
This exposed to us the secret dealing of Government with the under-world.
Now we have seen 3 murders/attempt murders in the last 7 months.
How can a corrupted government police policed itself?
We must set up IPCMC without delay!
People everywhere especially the ordinary folks must speak up !
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Malaysia does not have a Chinese dilemma but a Mahathir dilemma
Malaysia does not have a Chinese dilemma but a Mahathir dilemma
This is the real dilemma for Malaysia – “the Mahathir dilemma” and not the fictitious “Chinese dilemma”.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
ZAHID IN HOT SOUP : Assault victim claims intimidation, U-turns on mediation
ZAHID IN HOT SOUP : Assault victim claims intimidation, U-turns on mediation
"He felt intimidated," said Karpal.
"Ahmad Zahid did not come to the court on that day as an ordinary litigant but as a minister.
"He was escorted by police outriders and was accompanied by security personnel and about 30 supporters. All these were elements of intimidation," he said.
Karpal said that based on this, they have now decided to cancel whatever transpired between Amir Bazli and Ahmad Zahid in the presence of the mediator.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Americk takes Ops Scorpene back in time to the night of the Altantuya murder
Americk takes Ops Scorpene back in time to the night of the Altantuya murder
It was on that fateful night that Altantuya had been tricked into following the duo to a jungle clearing in Shah Alam. She had asked for permission to urinate, and then sensing they were out to kill, she pleaded for mercy, telling them that she was pregnant.
But the duo took no notice. She was "wrestled to the ground" by Azilah and shot in the left side of the head twice by Sirul.
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Sunday, July 21, 2013
Those in whose name we fight and in whose name we betray
Those in whose name we fight and in whose name we betrayHe ignores the fact that DAP champions the cause of the poor, the marginalized, fights for a better government, better governance, fights against corruption and fights against race supremacists. Together with other PR partners, DAP fights for those in whose name Umno fights for and in whose name Umno betrays by doing our bit.
Malay-ness this, Malay-ness that
Malay-ness this, Malay-ness that"What is apparent is that the recent general elections was really not about racial votes, but rather about the discontentment of the middle class. “Today the BN is discredited, particularly among the urban-based educated middle classes and those who have not benefited from its policies, for its abuse of power and its corruption — especially its sponsorship of corrupt networks of patronage and its engagement in money politics.”
‘Wayang kulit’ elections
‘Wayang kulit’ elections: !"Times have changed. Dr M’s philosophy of governance that if you tell a lie and repeat it often enough people will believe it is the truth, no longer works."
I am a Muslim and I am not that offended
I am a Muslim and I am not that offended:I was disappointed to see so much hate comments being posted by fellow Muslims over this one photo and some even go far as to post threats of violence and death threats. And now, the couple is facing up to 15 years in jail and heavy fines over this one photo, which really saddens me as thieves and people with assault charges usually get much less.
What will give Egypt’s ruler ‘legitimacy’?
What will give Egypt’s ruler ‘legitimacy’?Tamarod organizers claimed to have gathered 22 million signatures of citizens demanding Morsi’s ouster—significantly more than the 13.2 million who voted for him.
By failing to rule either effectively or inclusively, the organizers of the Tamarod petition said, Morsi had lost “ethical, legal, and popular legitimacy.”
Their petition cited his administration’s practical failures and the fact that it had rammed through a new constitution with no regard for the objections of sizable chunks of his own citizenry, including secularists, Christians, and women.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
FREE ALVIVI ! Go after the real bigots, Ridhuan Tee, Zul Noordin, Ibrahim Ali - stand up!
FREE ALVIVI ! Go after the real bigots, Ridhuan Tee, Zul Noordin, Ibrahim Ali - stand up!
First up is Ridhuan Tee Abdullah who, week after week, spews out condemnation on non-Muslims and non-Malays in his newspaper column (although a non-Malay himself).
What happens to him? He gets the backing of the ruling political powers who obligingly launches his books and introduces him at public "ceramahs".
Then there is Datuk Zulkifli Noordin who seems to have a vengeance against Malaysians who are of the Hindu persuasion, and belittles and insults the religion.
Post-Election Payback Time in Malaysia
Post-Election Payback Time in Malaysia
“Najib still chairs the cabinet meetings, still makes stupid decisions,” said a Kuala Lumpur-based businessman. “But Mahathir and Daim are agitating for changing all of the posts. Daim is talking to people to challenge the prime minister. A lot of this is happening because (Najib) is sitting on his ass and doing nothing. It is going downhill.”
“Najib still chairs the cabinet meetings, still makes stupid decisions,” said a Kuala Lumpur-based businessman. “But Mahathir and Daim are agitating for changing all of the posts. Daim is talking to people to challenge the prime minister. A lot of this is happening because (Najib) is sitting on his ass and doing nothing. It is going downhill.”
Friday, July 19, 2013
Stop this public lynching
Stop this public lynching
Let us not forget that prominent politicians guilty of even more in your face racial and religious taunting have got away scot free, with the last notable racist political figure even put up as a candidate during the recent election. And what about even earlier incidents such as kris brandishing?
Let us not forget that prominent politicians guilty of even more in your face racial and religious taunting have got away scot free, with the last notable racist political figure even put up as a candidate during the recent election. And what about even earlier incidents such as kris brandishing?
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Najib spent a STAGGERING RM44 MILLION on overseas trips - Kor Ming
Najib spent a STAGGERING RM44 MILLION on overseas trips - Kor Ming
This morning I asked how much did the PM spend on his overseas trips and I got the shocking answer. We ask the PM to anwer what has he achieved after spending RM44 million especially now that we are debating the supplemental budget, which this year the government will suffer RM25.3 billion. This is the total deficit the government will suffer due to overspending," Kor Ming told a press conference at the Parliament lobby on Wednesday.
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Shahidan has "indirectly" confirmed my indelible ink expose' - Rafizi
Shahidan has "indirectly" confirmed my indelible ink expose' - Rafizi
"He (Mohamed Salleh) is an expert in direct negotiation; he gets the ink, defence and also other government contracts as well, because he is close to government leaders, including the EC chairman and deputy chairman," said Rafizi.
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Decisions makers in Ministry of Education are no-brainers
Decisions makers in Ministry of Education are no-brainers
Being no-brainers, they cannot cognitively think these policies are bad for the country as a whole generally and the Rakyat in particular. Being no-brainers, they are unable to think of good policies to educate the students to be useful and productive. Being no-brainers they enact policies that cause the huge brain drain in this country. Being no-brainers they eventually doom Malaysia.
Being no-brainers, they cannot cognitively think these policies are bad for the country as a whole generally and the Rakyat in particular. Being no-brainers, they are unable to think of good policies to educate the students to be useful and productive. Being no-brainers they enact policies that cause the huge brain drain in this country. Being no-brainers they eventually doom Malaysia.
Must be election time again
Must be election time again
To the ruling Government: It is not in what you say but it is in what you do. So STOP politicising education, race, religion and language. Hasn’t General Election 2013 given enough warning signs of what the voters want?
What is wrong about TITAS
What is wrong about TITAS
If TITAS goes through as a compulsory requirement, non-Malays and non-Muslims will not be the only losers. Young Malays and the Muslims themselves too will lose out as they imbibe and internalize a propagandistic and truncated version of the world’s religions and civilizations which will highlight the self -proclaimed superiority of Islam and the shortcomings of all other religious and civilizational systems. This can only diminish and impoverish rather than nourish their minds, values and behaviour.
If TITAS goes through as a compulsory requirement, non-Malays and non-Muslims will not be the only losers. Young Malays and the Muslims themselves too will lose out as they imbibe and internalize a propagandistic and truncated version of the world’s religions and civilizations which will highlight the self -proclaimed superiority of Islam and the shortcomings of all other religious and civilizational systems. This can only diminish and impoverish rather than nourish their minds, values and behaviour.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Monday, July 15, 2013
The Arab spring – Has it failed?
The Arab spring – Has it failed?
The Arab spring was always better described as an awakening: the real revolution is not so much in the street as in the mind. The internet, social media, satellite television and the thirst for education — among Arab women as much as men — cannot co-exist with the deadening dictatorships of old. Egyptians, among others, are learning that democracy is neither just a question of elections nor the ability to bring millions of protesters onto the street. Getting there was always bound to be messy, even bloody. The journey may take decades. But it is still welcome.
The Arab spring was always better described as an awakening: the real revolution is not so much in the street as in the mind. The internet, social media, satellite television and the thirst for education — among Arab women as much as men — cannot co-exist with the deadening dictatorships of old. Egyptians, among others, are learning that democracy is neither just a question of elections nor the ability to bring millions of protesters onto the street. Getting there was always bound to be messy, even bloody. The journey may take decades. But it is still welcome.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Hanif: Public apathy on Bersih 3.0 inquiry | Free Malaysia Today
Hanif: Public apathy on Bersih 3.0 inquiry | Free Malaysia Today
We were there, we knew what happened! We don't need Hanif report, his is not a comprehensive one, more of a police report plus the official version. Look at the people who head the team of investigators and people who testify you will know what is the outcomes of the report. I am 90% sure they will release the report to public. It is the Umno Baru/ BN Minority propaganda . Only ppl without alternative media may believe it. We don't , I don't . Hanif, you have lost our trust. You are not none partisan. Ah Jib should be smarter to appoint some other, not you.
We were there, we knew what happened! We don't need Hanif report, his is not a comprehensive one, more of a police report plus the official version. Look at the people who head the team of investigators and people who testify you will know what is the outcomes of the report. I am 90% sure they will release the report to public. It is the Umno Baru/ BN Minority propaganda . Only ppl without alternative media may believe it. We don't , I don't . Hanif, you have lost our trust. You are not none partisan. Ah Jib should be smarter to appoint some other, not you.
2013年07月10日 - 林冠英:不尊重多元文化 马六甲没资格列世遗 - 甲鸡场街取消封路争议 - 地方新闻 - 马六甲 - 焦点新闻 - 南洋网
2013年07月10日 - 林冠英:不尊重多元文化 马六甲没资格列世遗 - 甲鸡场街取消封路争议 - 地方新闻 - 马六甲 - 焦点新闻 - 南洋网
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Why is New Umno/BN minority government dragging their feet in not setting up IPCMC?
Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC)
Why is New Umno/BN minority government dragging their feet in not setting up IPCMC?
What I think:
There is no regime in the world that likes INDEPENDENT commission.
When it is independent, New Umno will lose control, then many of their cronies will be caught and punished.
In my activities I have come across a lot of Special Branch police doing their work for New Umno. Now you tell me, how can New Umno not protect their own force?
Now the problem is, things are getting out of hands for the New Umno- so many deaths in custody of the police.
Apparently, authority corrupts, absolute authority corrupts absolutely! Can you imagine the abuse of power in police behind the lockup doors went on unchecked for years.
We can see it clearly from what happened to Anwar. If Anwar in custody can have a black eye, he being the ex-deputy PM, we the ordinary folks will end up black body. That was what happened to Kugan! And many more!
We must not let IPCMC be delayed some more!
Friday, July 5, 2013
A week after the KJ break-in, Tan Sri shoots dead robber at clinic: WHAT IS NAJIB DOING?
A week after the KJ break-in, Tan Sri shoots dead robber at clinic: WHAT IS NAJIB DOING?
The security in Malaysia is bad. I have seen more than 10 Special Branch policemen alone without including the uniformed ones at Jonker Walk to monitor what was going on to the signature campaign we have. To me just one of them will do to monitor; or the most two. They should be fully utilised to fight crime instead some political duty.
The security in Malaysia is bad. I have seen more than 10 Special Branch policemen alone without including the uniformed ones at Jonker Walk to monitor what was going on to the signature campaign we have. To me just one of them will do to monitor; or the most two. They should be fully utilised to fight crime instead some political duty.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Morsi and deputy arrested by the military
Morsi and deputy arrested by the military
The Egyptian military's coup ousting the elected president, Mohamed Morsi from power was announced on State television by head of the armed forces, General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. The general was picked by Morsi to head the military after he came to power last year. Sisi said he would implement his own roadmap after ousting the president. He has suspended the constitution, dismissed the parliament and asked Adly Mohamed Mansour, head of the High Constitutional Court (HCC) to take over as interim president until fresh elections are held. The army is already talking in terms of a one-year transition that could easily stretch into many years. The Saudi tribal regime and king sent a message congratulating the new president!
Perkasa kesal kerajaan lebih hargai kumpulan ‘biadap’
Perkasa kesal kerajaan lebih hargai kumpulan ‘biadap’
Beliau berkata, kerajaan tidak mengambil berat isu yang dibangkitkan oleh kumpulan pendesak Melayu, sebaliknya sanggup mendengar permintaan kumpulan lain yang disifatkannya biadap dan menggugut kerajaan.
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CHECKMATE NAJIB: No way to move forward without reconciling with Pakatan's 51% majority
CHECKMATE NAJIB: No way to move forward without reconciling with Pakatan's 51% majority
The reality is more straightforward: more and more Malaysians, regardless of ethnic and religious background, are coming together to demand a clean government that promotes a sense of fairness and equity in society. The strong rebuke to Najib’s policies that were riddled with corruption scandals came from across the board — young and old, Malays or otherwise.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Will Najib act against Home Minister and IGP? Malaysia hit by a second national haze emergency of accountability, integrity and good governance revolving around two top security officials, IGP and Home Minister
Will Najib act against Home Minister and IGP? Malaysia hit by a second national haze emergency of accountability, integrity and good governance revolving around two top security officials, IGP and Home Minister
Malaysians are entitled to know how the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak proposes to resolve this second national emergency of the haze of accountability, integrity and good governance revolving around two top security officials, whether he would terminate, suspend or ask both Zahid and Khalid to take leave of absence from their offices until both of them have cleared themselves of the serious charges and allegations of improprieties and wrongdoings made against them.
Malaysians are entitled to know how the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak proposes to resolve this second national emergency of the haze of accountability, integrity and good governance revolving around two top security officials, whether he would terminate, suspend or ask both Zahid and Khalid to take leave of absence from their offices until both of them have cleared themselves of the serious charges and allegations of improprieties and wrongdoings made against them.
Going bonkers over Jonker Walk
Going bonkers over Jonker Walk
"Now, we see most of the Malacca residents fully supporting DAP over MCA candidates who have been serving them. Hence, we decided to cancel the night market and we hope they will be happy,” the daily quotes Idris as saying.
"Now, we see most of the Malacca residents fully supporting DAP over MCA candidates who have been serving them. Hence, we decided to cancel the night market and we hope they will be happy,” the daily quotes Idris as saying.
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