Evil exists because good people do nothing. Let's begin with you and me. ARISE and take ACTIONS!
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Friday, May 31, 2013
Angry at an unjust defeat, Pakatan has reasons to be hopeful - The Economist
The opposition, meanwhile, is confident. Barisan is also losing the votes of growing numbers of city-dwellers and of the young. Pakatan has the momentum. Mr Anwar, however, is 65. With no obvious successor, he seems in a hurry. Lim Guan Eng, the DAP’s leader, is upbeat about the opposition’s hopes: “The future is not theirs; it’s ours.” But it is not necessarily Mr Anwar’s.
Horrific autopsy report on Sat: Zahid, Khalid unfit to hold office, Paul Low a disgrace - Surendran
What a Malaysia we have?
It is not only sad to have young man died in custody for minor offense such as a fight.
It is worst to know that the police instead of being the custodian of people welfare become the culprits.
Worst of all all the ministers in-charged are not forth coming to bring about justice to such a case.
UMNO/BN “war room†strategists and propagandists thought rakyat are suckers but it is UMNO/BN leaders like Zahid who prove to be real “suckersâ€
The 13GE UMNO/BN “war room” strategists and propagandists thought the rakyat are suckers who could easily fall victim to their lies and falsehoods concocted about the DAP and Pakatan Rakyat, but it is UMNO/BN leaders like the UMNO Vice President and new Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Zahid Hamidi who prove to be the real “suckers”.
UMNO/BN “war room†strategists and propagandists thought rakyat are suckers but it is UMNO/BN leaders like Zahid who prove to be real “suckersâ€
The 13GE UMNO/BN “war room” strategists and propagandists thought the rakyat are suckers who could easily fall victim to their lies and falsehoods concocted about the DAP and Pakatan Rakyat, but it is UMNO/BN leaders like the UMNO Vice President and new Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Zahid Hamidi who prove to be the real “suckers”.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
OPEN LETTER TO UMNO-BN: Are you sure you really want to change?
Tian Chua re-arrested, joins Tamrin, Haris Ibrahim at Dang Wangi lockup
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Open letter to the EC
Monday, May 27, 2013
CHEATING THE PEOPLE: Anwar, Azizah lodge reports, confirm lawsuit against EC duo is ON
Opposition chief Anwar Ibrahim and PKR president Wan Azizah lodged police reports against the Election Commission for "so-called indelible ink" that could be washed off, claiming that this paved the way for mass "cheating" at the May 5 general election
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Sunday, 26 May 2013 06:30 To Najib, Zahid from Tian, Haris & Adam: You can arrest us, but you can't scare the people anymore!
Despite facing sedition charges that carry hefty jail sentences, Tian Chua, the MP for Batu, and Haris Ibrahim, founder of the Anything but Umnomovement, came to the Black 505 rally in Petaling Jaya to fire more bullets at Prime Minister Najib Razak's government for its "high-handed intimidation".
Student Leader Adam Adli, who has already been charged and released on bail, was due to arrive but had to renege on his promise because his mother had taken seriously ill.
Even so, Adam sent a message of thanks to all his supporters, especially who had kept candlelight vigils to pressure the police into releasing him when he was under a 5-day remand last week.
"Although I cannot be with you, rest assured of my solidarity with all of you who are brave enough to stand up to this cruel and despotic regime," Adam said in his email message read out by the emcee.
Adam was arrested under the Sedition Act for allegedly inciting the people when he called on Malaysians to topple the Umno-BN regime during a speech at a Black 505 rally in Ipoh earlier this month.
The Black 505 rallies were begun by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim just 2 days after the controversial May 5 general election, where Najib had claimed victory with a 133-seats win versus the Pakatan Rakyat's 89 seats.
But Anwar, the Pakatan's de-facto head, had refused to concede defeat, claiming widespread cheating. He called for the first rally in Kelana Jaya to protest the electoral outcome on May 8, and 150,000 people turned up despite the short notice. Since then the Black 505 rallies - with black signifying the death of democracy - have been packed to standing room only, at every venue that Anwar and team visited.
50,000 youths turn on lights to 'SAVE MALAYSIA': Najib & EC top officials must resign
Friday, May 24, 2013
Malaysians are to stand up
justice and fairness! We will not let some evil authority divide us because of race, religion or language!
We are united against greed, corruption, abuse of power! The likes of Ibrahim Ali and Zulkifli who uttered more serious seditions are left untouched !Najib has made the wrong choice !
Ambiga assuring everyone the lawyers are doing all they can to help Adam Adli! This what we call 1 Malaysia ....... anyway who is Adam for Dato Ambiga & why should she do all this ? Is Adam a Indian ? so who ever there is planing to voice out their frustration about race or asking people to leave M'sia stop it now or join the PAKATAN RAKYAT at least you will learn how to love all.
Sedition dragnet: Cops do not rule out more arrests | Free Malaysia Today
police have not ruled out the possibility of more arrests under its Sedition Act dragnet.
I Know Tian Chua
CRACKDOWN: Najib's gamble with arrests of PR leaders may backfire; all eyes on KT rally
FULL STORY FROM THE WHITE HOUSE: US concerned about GE13 fraud, urges investigations
We note concerns regarding reported irregularities in the conduct of the election, and believe it is important that Malaysian authorities address concerns that have been raised. We look forward to the outcome of their investigations.
SHOCKING HIGH-HANDEDNESS: 18 detained during Adam Adli vigil
DEATH KNELL: Elephantine BN no match for the tiny 'Rakyat' ants at Kota Sarang Semut!
BN-UMNO must wake up and realize what happens when an elephant stampedes on a ‘sarang semut’. Despite its size and long life span, the elephant is no match to the diligent semut especially when its sarang gets stampeded.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Kuala Terengganu snubs Najib: Monster crowd builds up to support Anwar's Black 505 rally
looks like Prime Minister Najib Razak may have a fight with the people on his hands. Despite launching a swoop against Opposition leaders, a civil society activist and a student leader, few Malaysians are impressed at his show of power
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Don't show off in front of TV cameras, then slink off quietly - Guan Eng slams Zahid
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Already 'King of Bullies', what more does UMNO want?
Let UMNO go on ranting like a headless chicken. One day she will just end up lifeless and the rakyat is definitely counting the days.
Ambiga: Bersih’s ‘People’s Tribunal’ a ‘moral force’ to expose electoral fraud
A tectonic shift
Najib himself is politically wounded. His rivals in the ruling party, the Umno, smell blood. That’s a pity because among party eminences, he is the one who has a streak of the reformist in him. To survive, Umno must undergo sweeping and painful reform to match the shifting mood of Malaysian politics. Otherwise, the election this month was its last hurrah
Headache for Najib; PRS rejects cabinet posts | Free Malaysia Today
Bitter Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) supreme council members today unanimously agreed to reject all ministerial posts in Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s cabinet
Thanksgiving in Penang, but in Malaysia a season of despair and a season of hope begins
We don't want a system where in constituencies of 150,000 (voters) Pakatan wins and (in those of) 15,000 BN wins. For every one seat PR wins, BN wins 10. Wherever there has been a seats contest that was dubious, we will challenge. We will challenge through the courts and if that fails, we will go through the political process for 'ubah'(change), which means we will fight it at Parliament, the state assemblies, forums. Then there would be the third process, through the 'rakyat' (people). Of course, we are not saying we will hold rallies like this every week but if we have to we hope you will come out and support us," Guan Eng said to thunderous applause.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Not everyone is as cowardly as you, Rafizi slams Zahid: Kedah rally is on, Mukhriz or not
PETALING JAYA PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli ridiculed his rivals in Umno for cowardice and being out of touch with the people over a spate of rallies that have taken the nation by storm.
Not everyone is as cowardly as you, Rafizi slams Zahid: Kedah rally is on, Mukhriz or not
PETALING JAYA PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli ridiculed his rivals in Umno for cowardice and being out of touch with the people over a spate of rallies that have taken the nation by storm.
The brilliance of Zahid Hamidi
This is going to be the largest social engineering project undertaken by the BN administration since the NEP. I’m excited!
GE 13 and the emergence of the enlightened Malays
Ashgar Ali Engineer: A life for peace
Najib’s feckless and uninspiring cabinet
Whither Dr M?
Barisan Nasional (BN) likened Datuk Seri Najib Razak to a rock star, and put posters of him in all constituencies during the campaign period as if he were the most popular politician to ever grace this country. Now he is continuing on the same path with his list of new ministers.
Najib should show immediate leadership to end the unprecedented racist nastiness arising from poor Umno/BN performance in 13GE or he would have reneged from his promise to be Prime Minister for all Malaysians
Answer: When I read some of the headlines, I felt it was too much. I was very alarmed and very concerned about it. Even though it was meant for Malay readers, the way the arguments went could incite the general public. It was worrisome and I think the Home Ministry should intervene and put a stop to it, not only to that paper, but any other paper that crosses that line. We need to give a balanced report. In a multicultural and multiracial society, we should be conscious about these things. But sometimes when I read the paper, (it feels like) they have also lost their minds; they became very emotional and hit (certain communities) hard. It’s very bad for nation-building.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Thanksgiving in Penang, but in Malaysia a season of despair and a season of hope begins
Saturday, May 18, 2013
SEREMBAN rushes for a slice of Anwar, PR:Who are you to tell us to get out - Zahid scolded
DAP will lodge official complaint to MCMC of violation of MSC Guarantee of “No Internet Censorship†since dissolution of last Parliament last month, causing blockade to several DAP sites
GE13: We are already the winners!
Where was God on May 6?
"I must confess, it's so tempting to surrender, to give up to throw in the towel as it were, but now I hear the voices of many of you who chose to walk this same road with me urging me to move on and not to lose heart but together we will carry on to realise our Malaysian Dream," he added.
GET OUT OF MALAYSIA: Zahid should remember he is only part of the minority that voted BN!
Najib, BN fight for political survival: Nik Nazmi charged in bid to stop Black505 rallies
By using the police and under-handed tactics to the Black505 rallies, BN is only confirming their own guilt making things worse for themselves."
Friday, May 17, 2013
Anwar in Johor: Give BN another 5 years - NO WAY! Reject GE13 results before it is TOO LATE!
It is time this illegitimate Government that has less than 50% of the vote with numerous cheatings and vote rigging to be put down.
When the people rise up, this is a force thar is unstoppable !
10 things Najib must do
QUESTION TIME The dust from the 13th general elections has not quite settled and there is some chance it may be kicked up again as Pakatan Rakyat could challenge some of the results in court. For Barisan Nasional and Najib Abdul Razak, they rule with a minority of the votes, a morally illegitimate government that reflects a flawed and fraudulent election system.
If BN wants to pick up and regain the people’s trust and recover some lost ground from Pakatan, it simply cannot continue as before. There’s no point pointing fingers at the Chinese community when there has been an urban swing to Pakatan by all communities living in major towns, cities and suburbs.Even if the swing of the Chinese community to Pakatan is greater than that of other communities, they are entitled. The Chinese, like any other community, can vote for any party they want without having to face racist, seditious, provocative and loaded questions from Utusan Malaysia such as ‘Apa lagi China mahu?’ Utusan is not and never will be the distributor of the largesse of the country which is owned by everyone.
There are a number of substantive issues with BN as government, top of which is corruption. Next comes a steadily deteriorating education system totally out of whack with our requirements as a people and a nation. Then there is systematic racial and religious polarisation as an instrument of control and to appeal to the Malay vote. Also, there is this issue with Najib's wife.
Below are a list of 10 things that Najib must do if he and BN are to regain credibility in the eyes of the people and do better. If he chooses to do otherwise and makes hay while the sun shines, future governments can still hold him accountable. The change requires an about turn from the way things have been done for the past three or so decades but in a sense, he has no choice - do or perish at the polls. Do, and you may be forgiven your past transgressions and faults.
1. Put a stop to corruption, patronage and cronyism
Najib should publicly declare a national fight, jihad, crusade or any other name he wants to use against corruption. He must make a firm stand that corruption in any form, anywhere and at any level will no longer be tolerated.
He may want to look into an amnesty system suggested by his brother CIMB Group CEO Nazir Razak but should include significant payback of ill-gotten gains, too. Without an amnesty of past offences, too many people may have to go to jail and it may even affect the proper functioning of the country. Najib should invite public feedback for such a scheme.There are a number of prongs to this, and three more of our measures relate to corruption. Among the key things that he has to do is to unshackle the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and empower them to investigative everyone. If he makes MACC accountable directly to Parliament via a change in legislation, he is likely to get support even from the opposition.
As part of the process, he needs to devolve the power to prosecute from the attorney-general, which results in a whole lot of selective prosecution and multiple opportunities for corruption. Power to prosecute should be delegated to individual, investigating deputy public prosecutors, with the AG having an oversight to require DPPs to prosecute, but never to stop prosecution.
Also individual regulatory bodies such as Bank Negara Malaysia, the Securities Commission, the Companies Commission, Customs, etc must be given their own power to prosecute without reference to the AG at all.
Once these measures are done he must allow an independent, revitalised and efficient MACC and regulatory bodies to do their job without fear or favour.
And getting rid of corruption means as well a system of free and fair elections with proper controls, checks and balances to stop cheating at the polls and ensure an electoral roll without phantoms and other ghosts.
2. Shut down 1MDB and similar dark organisations
We have written much about 1Malaysia Development Bhd here andhere and trust there is more than enough information to begin investigations. In a nutshell, 1MDB represents one of the most insidious schemes ever to cheat the nation out of billions of ringgit. It has raised loans of about RM20 billion and mispriced them by as much as RM4 billion, the money going into the pockets of unnamed people who were able to get first bite at the cherry.On top of that, RM7 billion of funds remain overseas in the Cayman Island, invested in indeterminate portfolio funds while more than RM10 billion have been used to buy power assets at inflated prices from their current owners. By liquidating 1MDB, Najib will put an end to a dubious scheme of raising capital and investing which is done under closed doors and in the dark with dubious partners.
We really urge Najib to take a close look at 1MDB. He will be shocked at what has happened. If he wants to end corruption and wastage of funds, he has to end 1MDB.
3. Get in a clean, able, efficient and technocratic cabinet
Tough times call for tough actions. You can’t have a bunch of people who may be crooked at the top and hope to make the country straight. It is imperative that the cabinet is based on merit and ability. Yes, you have to make allocations according to parties but if the parties don’t come up with a credible name, throw it out. Ministers don’t have to be MPs, they can be made senators to join the cabinet.
Party warlords should remain that and do their politicking elsewhere and leave the running of government largely to technocrats. It will be a grave mistake to use cabinet posts as a system of rewards and punishment. Malaysia needs to move to a system whereby only capable people have a chance of becoming cabinet ministers.
It is important that cabinet ministers are untainted, have no major links to any major business groups, and act independently and in the best interests of the country as a whole at all times.
4. Declare his assets and require the same for public reps
Najib must set the example by declaring all his assets publicly to show that he has not accumulated assets beyond his normal means. He must require the same for his cabinet ministers, chief ministers, MPs and state assemblypersons as well as higher ranking civil servants, and introduce necessary legislation which is likely to be supported by the opposition. This will improve public confidence in our elected representatives and civil servants.
5. Revamp education
Najib must have the courage to make major changes in education. Education must first of all be secular and hold to principles of knowledge, research and inference.
It needs to equip students not only with a base of know-how but also teach them how to think. It needs to liberate minds, aspirations and the human spirit. It needs to incorporate much better English education for our students and workers to plug into the rapid changes taking place in the world, for which access is unavailable in Malay. He needs to reintroduce the teaching of science and maths in English for a start.
He needs to look at ways and means to make education and particularly schools a unifying force where students of all races mix, make friends, appreciate and eventually celebrate and affirm our diversity, to become truly Malaysians no matter race or religion.
For that he may have to seriously relook the multiple educational systems in the country to move towards a single school system which will nevertheless guarantee mother-tongue and religious education. All that needs considerable courage.
6. Fight Muhyiddin if he makes a challenge
The days of two-thirds majority and no opposition are gone, perhaps forever. Najib, as BN head, obtained a mandate, tenuous and as illegitimate as it may seem under the circumstances. If Muhyiddin Yassin wants to be PM let him get the mandate from the people directly. Najib must resist the temptation to make a deal. Umno delegates can remove him as party head and that would put paid to his premiership. If it comes to a fight, he should fight.
7. Restore fully personal freedom and civil rights
All laws restricting personal rights and the right to information must be removed. That would include any restrictions on freedom of assembly, the conduct of which can be controlled by other laws. It would include the Official Secrets Act, too, and the Printing Presses and Publications Act as well as sedition laws whose scope should be considerably narrowed.
What we need is unfettered discussion of deep issues which need to be brought to the surface, resolved and reconciled. Without regular self-examination, criticism and reform, neither the individual nor state and society can progress. The idea that we can disagree peaceably without giving way to violence and build upon our agreements must be allowed to come forth and blossom.
8. Put down firmly any attempt at violence
This is a corollary to the earlier point. For too long, Malaysians have been gagged by a threat to violence by what amounts to an extreme, small minority which deliberately creates incidents to stop the discussion of vital points affecting the country. The majority of Malaysians want free and fair expression and dissent to be permitted and are tired of being threatened.
Already, there are rumblings among some groups who want to create incidents in the wake of the elections. These groups must be firmly resisted and the full weight of the law thrown against them if they persist. Malaysians will no longer be held hostage.
9. Stop playing the race and religion cards
Race and religion are convenient cards to play when the game approaches deadlock. But it is not likely to hold currency much more. We need corruption out, we need efficiency in. We need to manage our resources for the betterment of all Malaysians and not let it go to cronies at the expense of the people. People recognise that playing the race and religion card is merely an attempt to camouflage that.
Najib should clearly disassociate himself from Utusan Malaysia’s racist stance and stand for a multi-racial Malaysia. Can there be any other Malaysia?
10. Keep his wife out of state and business affairs
Stories about Najib’s wife are reaching Imelda Marcos proportions. Her close association with state matters and fraternising with rich businessmen and big names is unprecedented for a Malaysian PM’s wife.
Her continued involvement with these and her constant presence in the socialite and even political and prominent news pages of mainstream newspapers (until some weeks before the general elections) will raise serious questions in the minds of Malaysians as to her role as the PM’s wife. It is more than time that Najib put his foot down here.
There are of course other measures he must take. And if he can work with the opposition to bring about these changes, great. But if Najib or any other prime minister is not prepared to implement these basic 10 measures, the least required for the functioning of a developed democracy working for the benefit of the people, then it is is incumbent upon all of us to reject them at the next polls.
they should migrate to those countries to practise this kind of political belief,"
New Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi told the people to migrate!
What sort of mentality is this?
Let's not get into a fight with him, throwing bricks.
Let's get in to a rational discussion.
We all accept the First-Past-the-Post system (whoever has the simple majority in a constituency wins) which we inherited from Britain.
This system is valid only where the difference in voters in each constituency is only by small numbers.
In Malaysia the difference is 17:1 (Karpal: Putrajaya)
What we got to do is to redraw the constituencies so that they reflect 1:1 votes. What this corrupted regime has done all this year is that it has gerrymandered so much that in this election they only have less the 50% of the votes, they gained 60% of the seats.
Can you accept that?
New Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi says the opposition can "migrate elsewhere" if it is not satisfied with the country's electoral system that saw BN winning 133 parliamentary seats on May 5, despite Pakatan Rakyat bagging 51.78 percent of the popular votes to get 89 seats.In an editorial piece in Utusan Malaysia today, Zahid (left) lashed at what he described as illegal gatherings organised by the opposition by way of the 'Black 505' events nationwide following Pakatan's losses in 13th general election.
Leaders of the opposition, especially from the PKR and DAP, he wrote, had confused the young Chinese and their blind supporters by asking them to wear black to protest against the GE13 result that showed the opposition parties winning through the popular vote.
The illegal gatherings, Zahid said, were to hide the fact of Pakatan's failure to win over Putrajaya, but the coalition did not dispute the results in Penang, Selangor and Kelantan.
"If it is true that the opposition obtained the majority vote, the measure it used has been manipulated... The method interpreted by the opposition is only adopted where countries directly elect their heads of state or political parties through elections."
Malaysia's system not based on 'popular vote'
He said Malaysia does not adopt a system that recognises the popular vote as the country practised the Westminster system of 'first past the post', as did the other Commonwealth countries.
Through this system, Zahid said, voters would elect their representative from among the political parties contesting and the victor would be the one with the simple majority."If this group (the opposition) wants to use the other system of single transferable vote as used in the republics, they should migrate to those countries to practise this kind of political belief," Zahid said in hisUtusan posting.
Those who were loyal to Malaysia would accept the political system the country practised, based on the system of government it has, as enshrined in the federal constitution.
The various illegal gatherings held by way of road shows, he said, said were just an escapism for the opposition to hide the fact of its failure to control Putrajaya.
"The opposition acted over-confident in the support of the voters, and these supporters were manipulated by the various issues and false promises made in the opposition manifesto, which they themselves know cannot be implemented," Zahid said in his editorial piece.
Many critics of the electoral system have pointed out the gross distortion and the gerrymandering over the years which saw many seats, especially those won by the opposition, having large number of voters.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Most unimpressive Cabinet of all six Prime Ministers in the nation’s 56-year history
This is ridiculous and inflated Cabinet, not only unproductive but reflect the lack of professionalism of the Cabinet set-up, with the total number of Ministers in the PM’s Department representing one-third of the Cabinet – which must be one of its kind in the whole world!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
GE13: Expect backlash from Malays, warns former judge Mohd Noor Abdullah
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Kit Siang says would weigh coalition rule if BN embraces Pakatan manifesto
KUALA LUMPUR, May 10 ― Pakatan Rakyat (PR) may consider working together with the Barisan Nasional (BN) to form a coalition government if the former’s election manifesto is endorsed by its rival, DAP’s Lim Kit Siang today said.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Azmin to stay in PKR, but slams party for "nepotism" in S'gor MB selection
Not happy with stolen election? Don't tell others & make us look bad - EC
EC has come under fire from the public following numerous reports of frauds during polling day, including failure of its indelible ink to stay permanent and the spotting of non-citizens as voters.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Gen Y Waterloo for Umno & Dr M: Young M'sians tell Anwar - DON'T CONCEDE GE13 DEFEAT!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Media Conference Statement - at the Malacca DAP State premises by Lim Kit Siang (Malacca, Thursday): I am most encouraged by Dr. Wong Fort Pin's statement giving the reasons why he has decided to sign up as a member of the DAP - after much thought and deliberation with his friends, family and member of his church.
Let me repeat when he has just said:
“Malaysia faces a crossroads following a competition between UMNO's Islamic State and PAS' Islamic State. I strongly believe that there is a third way - the retention of the 1957 Merdeka Constitution where nothing is mentioned of Malaysia being an Islamic State.
“DAP is the sole political party in Malaysia with the courage to oppose the establishment of an Islamic state whether PAS or UMNO…
”I believe strongly that Malaysia should not be an Islamic State. That is the reason I am taking this important decision of joining the DAP. I know being in the DAP is not going to be easy. But I believe that life was never meant to be easy.
“If we strive to make the world a better place for our children and friends, we can be true to ourselves. It is not important whether we succeed or fail. It more important that we try. That is why I join the DAP to be amongst those who believe in the same cause and to make a positive difference in society.”
I had admitted last month to the failure of the DAP's “No to 929 campaign” to raise consciousness among Malaysians that the next general election is the greatest nation-building test as to whether we uphold or jettison the 1957 Merdeka “social contract” that Malaysia is a democratic, secular and multi-religious nation with Islam as the official religion but not an Islamic State, whether ala-PAS or ala-UMNO - as we have not been able to convey this message to the majority of Malaysians with the general election around the corner. Many Malaysians are not aware that such a fundamental issue is at stake in the 2004 general election.
This does not mean that the “No to 929 campaign” was wrong, misconceived or irrelevant, but only that we are now called upon to think of more effective ways to send out this important message to the people before polling day.
This is the reason why I have come especially to Malacca to welcome the decision of Dr. Wong Fort Pin to sign up as a DAP member, making a courageous stand on a matter of fundamental principle with far-reaching consequences for the future of the nation and the citizenship rights of our children and children's children - that the Merdeka “social contract” of Malaysia as a secular democracy with Islam as the official religion entrenched in the 1957 Merdeka Constitution, the 1963 Malaysia Agreement and the 1971 Rukunegara, should be preserved and promoted and not jettisoned - and that it should not be replaced whether by the PAS “Islamic State Document” or UMNO and Barisan Nasional's “929 Declaration” that Malaysia is an Islamic State.
The 2004 general election is not just about which candidate will win and which political party will fare well, but even more important, it will be a critical test of the reaffirmation or abandonment of the 46-year Merdeka “social contract” of Malaysia as a democratic, secular and multi-religious nation with Islam as the official religion but not an Islamic State.
The upholding and protection of the 46-year “social contract” is not anti-Malay or anti-Islam but 100 per cent pro-Malaysia and pro-all religions and races in the country.
I hope Dr. Wong's example could not only lead to more Malaysians coming forward to take a principled stand for the interests of the nation and the people, but strengthen the just and noble cause to uphold, preserve and protect the 46-year Merdeka “social contract” reached by the forefathers of the major communities on the attainment of nationhood that Malaysia shall forever remain a democratic, secular and multi-religious nation with Islam as the official religion but not an Islamic state, whether ala-PAS or ala-UMNO. This is the only basis for a just, united, harmonious, progressive and prosperous Malaysia.
* Lim Kit Siang, DAP National Chairman
沈同钦不能一脚踏两船,在以行动党旗帜在马六甲市国会议席上阵的同时,不能以 独立人士身分在哥打拉沙马那区州议席上阵。
在这之前,沈同钦并未曾针对他有意在哥打拉沙马那区州议席以独立人士身份上阵一事,与党领导层沟通。显然,这是令人震惊的行动-- 一名行动党国会候选人,同时却以独立人士身份上阵以对抗行动党委任的候选人。这给行动党带来了耻辱。诚如全国副主席陈国伟所言:此举等于自动开除党籍。
然而,看在沈同钦在党内多年,行动党中央委员会依然愿意给他一个机会来纠正这项严重错误-- 也即是公开退选州议席,并全力支持赖君万。这将让沈同钦可以集中精神赢取马六甲市 国会议席,以及其国会选区下的州议席。
为了避免吴良山关闭其竞选中心,林吉祥联系上沈同钦同志,并提出一名可以妥协的候选人-- 赖君万同志。这最终也获得沈同钦同志的同意。既然沈同钦经认同林吉祥有关赖君万为候选人的决定,因此,党不解为何沈同钦却表现得如此不理性。
目前,行动党拒绝应酬有关沈同钦在选择国席披上行动党战袍却同时突然以独立人士身份上阵州议席,是与国阵特设以破坏行动党的猜疑和传闻。沈同钦只是不能够以行动党旗帜在马六甲市国会议席上阵的同时,以独立人士身分在哥打拉沙马那区州议席上阵。他不能一脚踏两船-- 一脚在行动党的船上,而另一只脚却踏在一只不属于行动党的船上。